hidden from sight

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I haven't written a one-shot in a while so I decided that it was time to finally write one. I'm not sure how this one came out but I like the idea.

I was silently waiting at the bus stop, I would've been sitting on the bench, but there was a homeless old man sleeping there. I didn't want to disturb him, this could be the only time he got peace. I'd never taken the bus on this side of town, but my ride had somewhere to be. It would easier just walk to the bus stop. There weren't many other people waiting with me, most of them were all looking down at their phones.

There was a toddler sleeping at his mother's feet, worn out from trying to get her attention from her phone and on him. It was sad to see, he was such a cute little kid. I wanted to just go over there and pick him up, but he wasn't my child and I'd get arrested for kidnapping.

It didn't take too long until the bus showed up, halting to a sudden stop in front of us waiting. I'm sure if the adults didn't hear the loud creaking of the bus, they're wouldn't know that the bus had even stopped right in front of them.

I was one of the last ones on the bus, even though I was the first one to see it, I wasn't one for pushing people to get to where I wanted to. So, people were pushing to get in front so when I didn't push them back other people pushed me back. The mother with child had literally forgot her child and almost got on the bus without him, I had to remind her that her child was still sleeping. She gave me a rude scowl, as if it was my fault for her forgetting that she had a child. She looked mad at me for not waking up her son for her, that wasn't my kid!

I picked one of the seats in the back, the bus was almost all the way packed, so it wasn't like I had much of a choice.

I didn't get a window seat, an older women beside me had it, her head was leaning against it. Her grey hair was sticking to the window, she looked like she had been working all day. I didn't want to be creepy and staring out the window she was looking out of because it might look like I was staring at her, I turned my head to the seat across from me.

There was a family of three sitting by each other, their child was watching a video on his phone, while the two people (who I assumed were his parents) had a map on their lap trying to find out where to go. They were obviously tourists. Manhattan didn't have many fun tourist spots to go to, I mean you have some museums, central park, and of course the Statue of Liberty that you can see. Other than that, they would have a very boring vacation.

I looked to the seats behind me and diagonal from me. There was only one person sitting there. Why hadn't I noticed that before? I probably would've sat there since it was the very last seat.

The man only looked like he was around three years older than me. His blond hair wasn't too long that it was covering his eyes, but it wasn't a short clean cut either. Then man was wearing a dark red polo shirt, a golden necklace moving every bump we hit, he was also supporting dark jeans, and black shoes. The blond had a book in his hand, his eyebrows were scrunched together as he read what was written on the pages. He looked like a rich kid, but a really handsome rich kid. He could definitely be a model, I would be shocked if he wasn't.

I quickly moved my head back, I didn't want him to look up and see me staring at him. How would I be able to explain why I was craning my neck to look at him?

For the rest of the ride I would make any excuse to get another glance at him, he never looked up. Not once. When I got off he hadn't moved, I was sad that I didn't even get to talk to him once. Or get to hear him talk. I'd never see him again.

~ line break ~

"What's on your mind?" Annabeth asked me with her eyebrows raised. We were in the middle of studying, well she was in the middle of studying. I knew Annabeth wanted to help me with my grades, I just wasn't good at school. Annabeth had always been smart so she could pick things up easily, my ADHD caused me to forget most of the information she feed me.

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