You get caught

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This chapter was requested by smurfytroll thank you for the idea ☺️
Also the shark troll in this chapter is not mine, he belongs to someone else named sparklejam
You and your friends were hanging out together by a large lake, unfortunately you were all bored and had run out of games to play. You sighed as you flopped on the ground until just then, you realised something.

There was no one around and You and your friends were by a lake.

A mischievous grin grew on your face...

No one would know if you and your friends only preformed a few of them.

You sat up which instantly got all your friends attention "hey guys, you wanna do whirlpool stunts?" You asked as you turned to them, the mischievous grin still remaining.
Instantly, everyone shot up and nodded, minus Cloud and Orion who both looked worried and unsure.
"Now Y/n are you sure this is safe?" Cloud asked, fluttering over to you, a concerned look was on her face.
You nodded "yeah don't worry, it'll be fine" you said trying to reassure your friend.
Iris then flew out of your hair looking confused
"What's whirlpool surfing?" She asked looking at you.
You grinned looking at the lake "I'll show you"
You turned to your friends and told them to go find some large leaves so they could whirlpool surf.
You jumped on the lake and surfed with your tale, surfing to a nearby whirlpool.
Iris watched in awe while Orion just shook his head, looking disappointed. He had a bad feeling this would end very badly, you would ether get hurt or someone was bound to catch you and punish you...

Just as you were about to preform the whirlpool stunt, two hands grabbed you and lifted you off of the water.
You felt your fin like ear flicker in annoyance; you almost had it there!
You looked up at who was holding you and froze, your eyes growing wide with shock.

It was none other than Torrent the shark troll, and unfortunately for you he did not look happy at all.
You looked behind him and saw Your uncle Synth, he had his arms crossed and was glaring at you angrily.

"Princess, what do you have to say for yourself?" Torrent asked in a calm but stern voice as he swam back to the shore.
You sighed and slumped in his arms, knowing fully well that you were not getting out out of this easily...
"Well?" Torrent asked, his tone was impatient and stern as he waited for your answer.
"Sorry...." you mumbled, your eyes staring down at the water as he continued to swim back to the shore.
"Your going to be saying sorry a lot more princess" Torrent said calmly as he made it to the shore.
He placed you down and glared at your friends who trembled at how intimidating he was.
he turned to your friends, looking at them blankly and said in a calm but stern voice "go home"
Your friends however, we're stubborn and stayed put. Clampers stepped forward, looking determined "we are not leaving our-" she was cut off when the shark troll glared at her.
She froze and stumbled back, looking terrified. She turned to you and looked at you apologetically, as did your friends. They all turned and left quickly, Orion followed, still giving you a sympathetic look, however he also had the 'I told you' look too.
You turned your attention back to your angry uncle (who had just walked up to you) and the shark troll.
Torrent looked calm but a little mad while Synth looked furious, his fits were clenched and were shaking with rage.
You backed away a little, not used to seeing your uncle so mad.
Torrent floated back to let Synth take over and the Prince of techno immediately did just that.
He stepped forward, crossing his arms and towering over you, glaring down at you. He then spoke in a unusually stern, angry tone
"Glow stick, how many times do you have to be told? Whirlpool surfing is a very dangerous stunt, you have been hurt before and it could end even worse for you! Now-"
You cut him off, your expression was one of panic "I know! I know I'm sorry, I'm sorry I tried to preform the whirlpool stunts, but please don't tell mommy or daddy!" You begged, sounding desperate and worried.
Synth's angry expression softened just a little "Glow stick, I'm sorry. But you need to face the consequences of your actions" he said, his tone was less stern this time.
Torrent nodded in agreement, his expression was still calm "he is right, princess. Your father must know and you must learn" he said sternly.

You sighed, looking at the ground nervously.
Then you realised something.
"But, dad is way to busy with his king duties so how will he have the time to punish me?" You asked, unfortunately for you, you unintentionally sounded cocky and it only worsened your already bad situation.

You froze when both Torrent and Synth glared at you, looking more mad than before.

You mentally slapped yourself at the realisation that you had just dug your already fifty feet grave a million times deeper.

"Oh just you Wait Glow stick, I'm sure he'll make time for this" Synth responded
You whimpered and teared up.
This was not going to be good.

And you were right, when your dad found out, he was furious; you floated before him in the LED castle; both of you were in the throne room with Torrent and Synth standing behind you a few feet away, stern looks rested on their faces.

You shrunk down at your fathers angry glare, looking up at him with fear.
Before you could say anything, he beat you to it.
"How many times have I told you not to do this Y/n!? It is so dangerous!" He scolded harshly, glaring down at you.

You looked down sadly, feeling tears prick your eyes "I'm sorry..." you muttered softly. Not looking back up at him.

Trollex just sighed angrily, running a hand down his face "you are grounded for three weeks, you know what rules apply" he stated coldly, his angry expression not softening.

You nodded slowly, still looking down at the floor; at least your punishment wasn't so bad.

Later, both Synth and Torrent felt bad for upsetting you earlier, sure they were mad at you but they both hated bringing you to tears.

The Prince of techno and shark troll talked about it with each other and both decided to apologise to you, they headed to your room and saw you under your bed. You were hugging your seahorse plushie and crying.

Both Synth and Torrent felt their hearts break.
"Aww Glow stick don't cry..." Said Synth as she swam over to your bed and picked you up from under it. He hugged you tightly and rubbed your back "shhh it's ok..."

You sniffled and looked up at both him and Torrent, both of them were looking down at you sadly.
"Glow stick, we're sorry for upsetting you earlier"
Torrent nodded "yeah, sorry Princess, we didn't mean to..." they both apologised, looking away sadly.
You sniffled and wiped your tears "I-it's ok, I forgive you" you said, smiling softly.
They smiled back, happy that they made you feel a little better.

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