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Trollex jolted awake as another loud crackling boom sounded outside, followed by the low rumbling of the thunder clouds. The rain poured down heavily, loudly splashing against the bedroom window.
He groaned in annoyance and buried his face into the pillow, trying to somehow muffle the loud sounds.
Normally thunderstorms wouldn't be a problem since he lived deep in the ocean, but he was currently staying in a empty pod with you for a few days.

The reason why was because Poppy was planning a huge party for the 2nd anniversary of Trollstopia, and she had invited all of the leaders who were also helping to set most of the equipment and decorations up.
Lily had stayed behind for the queen duties and raves so unfortunately she couldn't come, so it was just you and him this time. He didn't feel too bad for her since she at least did go to the first anniversary party last year, and luckily it wasn't thundering on either of those nights.

Another sudden flash and a loud crackle made Trollex jump out of his skin with a startled Yelp. The techno king panted a little; his hand clutching at his chest to try and calm his pounding heart. Trollex took a few deep breaths before calming down and sighing, rubbing at his tired eyes.
This was his first thunderstorm so he wasn't used to it at all. Sure he had heard of them before, Synth would often tell him about them during his first few weeks in Trollstopia, he described them as scary at first but it was something you'd get used to overtime.

Trollex sighed and laid back down again, however though, every time he was about to doze off another loud clap of thunder and lightning that would pretty much light up the whole sky would startle him once more.
Trollex yawned heavily, he sat up with an angry frown; out of all the nights this had to happen...
Then a thought came that made him worry; how were you doing?
If he was a little frightened by the loud thunder and unexpected flashing, how scared were you right now!?

Trollex threw the plush blanket off of him and quickly made his way to your room. The pod you were both temporarily staying in was rather big and had a few spare rooms the smaller ones wouldn't. But luckily your room was close by so if you needed him for anything he could get to you quickly.
Trollex slowed his pace as he got to your door and opened it. Jumping a little when the thunder boomed loudly again.
"Baby girl?" He whispered, stepping inside of the dark room. "Are you alright?..."
He frowned as he heard whimpering and quiet sobs coming from the bed, as his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw that you were trembling and had the covers completely over you.

Trollex felt his heart break and quickly switched on the pufferlow lamp on your bedside table. He sat down next to you and gently placed his hand on your back to get your attention.
Before he could say anything, your little face poked out of the blanket. Tears were running down your f/c cheeks and you looked frightened; not that he could blame you, the thunderstorm was pretty terrifying.

"D-daddy..." you whimpered, you let go of your seahorse plushie that you had been clutching and reached your arms out to him while sniffling.
Trollex immediately picked you up and hugged you close, wrapping his tail around you.
"Shhh It's ok baby, daddy's here..." he cooed, looking down at you sadly.
You sobbed softly and buried your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around him.
"It's s-so loud and s-scary...." you whimpered in between your sobs, snuggling closer to him.

"Shhh don't worry baby..." Trollex whispered "it'll be over soon, it won't last..." he rubbed your back gently, planting a kiss on your forehead.
Another loud clap of thunder flashed outside making you squeak in fright and clutch your father tightly, trembling again. You did your best to try and bury yourself as much as you could to shield yourself from the sudden flashes of lightning.
Trollex rubbed your back gently, shushing you and whispering soothing words to you.

The rumbling thunder and lighting flashes slowly struck less and less, the heavy rain that once pounded on the windows calmed down and was now a soft light rain.
Upon noticing this, Trollex peered out of the window and saw that it was much calmer outside.

Trollex looked back down at you, his fingers brushing through your fibre optic hair gently "it's over now my angel" he whispered, getting up with you still snuggled in his arms.
Trollex flew to his room, wondering why you weren't responding.
He had his answer when he heard your breathing deepen and felt your muscles relax; seeing that your eyes were closed and you were now peacefully sleeping, listening to the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat.
The king of techno sighed with a soft smile, he got into bed and covered you both with the fleece blanket.

Trollex hugged you closer to him. Slowly dozing off into a deep peaceful sleep himself.
Something you both definitely needed after having been disturbed by the thunderstorm.

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