◾️The kamado incident◾

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The white of snow came down like a soft feather as a crunch rang through the white forest as a boy no younger than 15 his hair had a red and black tone to it as it was pulled back into a ponytail he had a basket on his back with charcoal filled to the top.

"TANJIRO, TANJIRO!!!" yelled a boy who ran over as he arrived in town with a broken plate, he was out of breath as an older woman "Tanjiro, she is accusing me of braking this plate!" He said as he pointed at the older woman as the lady huffed.

"Sorry Tanjiro could you please tell me if he broke the plate?" she said as she rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Sure Mrs" tanjiro spoke as he sniffed the plate and looked up "it smells like a cat" he said the boys eyes lit up as the mother smiled.

"See mother i didnt do it" he said in a proud manner.

"Yes I See" said the woman as she walked away with the boy right behind her following her like a lost puppy, Tanjiro stared walk more into the village as he came across to people he has never seen before one had dark purple hair and the other had brown hair. They both turned to me.

"Excuse me" said the boy with purple locks will the other boy was beside him "I'm looking for this address??" he asked as he handed Tanjiro a piece paper with his address on it he was startled by this.

"What you business there" Tanjiro asked not sure if he will get a answer. The boy looked at him.

"Well I'm here with my friend to visit a friend" he pointed at his friend and then at himself now that Tanjiro look at the two.

"Yamazaki, Hara!!" he said looking at them in a new light the two boys look at him and then something clicked.

"Tanjiro!!" said the both but Hara was a bit quietly.

"I didn't recognise you two, you two look really different" he than pointed at Hara "especially you Hara" he said as he gave him a bright smile that made Hara blush underneath the mask.

"So tanjiro do you want some help with that" Yamazaki asked as he pointed at the basket with charcoal in it.

"Yes that would be nice" he said as the three of them walked around selling charcoal the sun stared to set and they have just finished selling all the charcoal and the three of them were walking back to Tanjiro house "So what have you guys been doing for the past year?" Tanjiro asked as they were waking through the snow and up the snowy hill.

"We've been working" Yamazaki said as he was standing by Tanjiros sides as Hara was on the other side of him as Hara nodded Tanjiro smiled.

"So you two have been up to a lot" he said as they finally made it to the house with a girl with long black locks that goes down past her lower back she was wearing a pink kimono with white strips and was standing outside the house when she saw them she smiled and stared run towards them as she hugged Tanjiro.

"Onii-chan!!" She said as she hugged him tight as Tanjiro hugged her back and stroke her back.

"Hello Nezuko, why are you out here?" He asked as she let go of him and look at Yamazaki and Hara and smiled at the both.

"I was waiting for you to get back" she said as she grabbed Tanjiro hand and walks over to the house and walk inside as Yamazaki followed but he stoped and turned to look at Hara who was looking around the forest as if sensing something.

"Hara you okay?" Yamazaki asked the browned haired boy looked up at him and nodded and both walked towards the house when they got inside all of Tanjiro siblings stared running towards them and hugged them.

"Hara, Yamazaki!!" The younger siblings yelled clinging to the two of them "We missed you!!" Again they yelled Hara smiled and picks up Hanako as she messed with his fabric mask he giggled as Tanjiro just stared at the two, Yamazaki just shifted uncomfortably.

"Isn't that cute" Nezuko whispered from beside Tanjiro "Hara so good with children" she turned back to the sink and stared washing the dishes as there mother walked into the room and gasp.

"Oh Hara, Yamazaki it nice to see you two" she said as Nezuko and Tanjiro turned "Are you two stay for food?" She asked, Hara just nodded as he sat down with Hanako in his arms as she was hugging his neck. It been a few hour Hara and Yamazaki were sat at the table Hara had Hanako in his arms who was asleep.

"Seem she's your favourite?" he asked as he was reading a book, as Hara blushed as they was rushing from outside and a wave of dreaded rushed over Hara his face was filled with fear he stood up Hanako woke up as he put her down "Hey what wrong?" He asked as he look at the brown haired boys face.

"Hara, what happening?" She asked looking scared as tears ran down her cheeks Hara was on high alert and again the rushing happened again as Hara ran out of the house Yamazaki stood up.

"HARA" He yelled after him the yelling got the attention of tanjiros family as they came out of the other room to see Yamazaki running out of the house after Hara, the whole family follow in the door way to see Hara. Fighting a man with a black hat and was wearing a black suit. The man sent a slash at his stomach to avoid it he jumped back and the charge again 'first form- The snake spirit' as charging a light green transparent snake appeared as he twist his body as he spins his sword and made cuts on Muzan but he healed quickly in a flash he grabbed Tanjiro mother in a second she...Was dead laying on the floor cold eyes a blood piercing scream it came from Nezuko as Yamazaki stood with his sword out as Nezuko was on he knees crying Hara was in rage by this and again charge Muzan slashed at him but he got hit in the shoulder as blood stared dripping from the shoulder then he grab the two older boy were grabbed and were killed same with the younger again a blood Piercing scream which came From Tanjiro. Hara was on one knee grabbing his shoulder as Muzan turned to him and walked close to him, going to kill him but Hanako ran in front of him going to get hit but he stopped and smirked as he turned her into a demon she screamed as she fell in Hara into his arms and then Muzan disappeared all three of the by standers ran over.

"We have to get you two to the village to get you two treated!!" He said in a panicked tone Hanako's eyes open as her eyes change from a magenta colour to a light pink with white slits like a cats appeared she didnt move just lay there in his arms "Hanako you okay!!" He explains as tears rolled down his face.

"Onii-chan I'm okay" she said in a raspy voice as Hara ran into the house and grab some bandage and walk back out and over to the four as he bandage Hanako's head.

"There" he whisper "How are you feeling" Hanako looked up.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you" she thanks them as Hara got tapped on the shoulder by Tanjiro.

"Let me bandage you shoulder" he said with puffy eyes Hara nodded as he took the bandage from him as he stared to bandage his shoulder Tanjiro stared sniffing.

"I'm sorry Tanjiro" he Apologised  as he used his other hand to Rubbed his eyes under his mask as he put his sword back in the shelf the sword was a white with a black handle. Tanjiro hugged him from the back.

"Hara I thank you for protecting my family till they last breath" he said as Hara put both of his hands on Tanjiro arms that was rapped around his neck and lets a few tears fall from his eyes but as quick as it fell he wiped it away but they both stared like that for a few minutes it was peaceful or so they thought...

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