Relationship: Marriage.

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This is a good guide to you to let you figure out what and what not to do while being a wife.

This part is more like, points you should know about marriage, than telling you some rules or lines.. Anyway let's break it down!

#1 Sex.

Sex is something that should happen when both of you agree that it'll happen, no one should force the another to do it, if you feel uncomfortable, or not ready, simply say it, don't force yourself to do it, if you feel tired, or exhausted, simply say it, no need to force yourself to do it.

Lately crazy things are made up about this topic, there is nothing wrong to "please" yourself, but it's about how you do it.

Sex, as important as it in a relationship (at the end, it's the biggest I love you) it's a side thing in marriage, it's not what define the relationship's stability, it's not what tells you whether you should continue in marriage or not.
There's a designed, and normal way to use sex in our life, and there's this abnormal way that seems so "pleasing" and always "feels good" but it destroys the relationship, usually these ways or as people say "kinks" are more like a lifestyle than just 'aw I'm turned on let's have sex this way' .
We should watch out, to "please" yourself might let you end in a very unpleasant way.

#2 Sharing.

Marriage is about sharing life, sharing time, sharing duties, sharing secrets.
Learn to speak up your mind, he's your husband, which means he's supposed to be your safe place, learn to have time to spend it with him alone without the kids, without the family, just you and him, don't let the feelings cool down just because time passed, a dinner can revive it, a sweet word, a nice dress for a nice night out.

#3 Kids.

Usually I get hated on when I speak about this matter, but, we need more kids ...

The thing with us, older people (between 60-70) are way more un number than younger people and kids, which actually make us face these problems: (and I'm talking worldwide)

I- no more christians in the town.

II- empty churches.

don't tell me this ain't happening, churches are either being closed or converted to other religious temples because no one is going to then are there are no more Christians around, this is happening in many many places in the Uk in certain, and everywhere in common.

III- When a matter that Christians care about happens, usually our voice barely is heard, and if it was heard, we can't take an action, because our number is never enough.

IV- God told us to reproduce and be multiple so we can share the faith and keep it going, in fact the best way to share the faith is to have more kids.

V- It is very bad when all people of other religions are following the command "be fruitful and multiples" except us.

✖Studies shows that a christian family usually have between 2-3 kids.
Other religions (quick example Islam and Judaism) have between 5-6 kids or 4-5 kids.

PS: I am not telling you in any way or shape or form to have kids when your financial situation is bad.

#4 Raising the kids.

When you're a mother, you won't need guides for teaching you how to raise your kids; I'm pretty sure you'll do it perfectly, but here I'll tell you quickly how to raise your kids on being religious.

It's important to start with them in a young age, this world is bad, and the new generations are very smart that they understand and are able to use the new technology very soon, so start teaching them about God and Jesus in a young age.

Don't use the "God will hate/punish you if  you did that" or "they hate God so they are doing that" way to teach your kids what's right and what's wrong, rather just say it is wrong because God says so and we love God we will keep His commands.

The old way will make them grow up with questions like:
Why God hate these?
Why God created them like these?
This is a good person why would God hate them for that?

At the end of the day, God hate no one, and sins are actions we take not things that are born with us.

Also, teach them to read the Bible, go to church, pray, fast, and make it a habit, gather them every once in a while and make a little Bible study with them.
Simply teach them to be close to God step by step just like you teach them how to eat or how to study or how to do anything on their own.

I strongly suggest to give them a Bible for kids as long as they are under 16.

✖Again, every generation is smarter than the one before, so don't tell your kids "this is wrong don't do it" explain why in a simple way that they can understand.

#5 Always be there, but not all the time.

What if they made a sin? or chnaged their faith?
It's important to tell them how big their mistake, even if it means to cut off your relationship with them at some point.

But to cut the relationship doesn't mean to disappear, you have to there for your kids in their sickness, in their needs, always be the one they can reach for.

I know a parent, they didn't go to their son's gay wedding, but when he was diagnosed with cancer, they were by his side, all the time.

Tell them that they sinned, but don't turn off your love.

💫Feel free to ask any question.
💫Until the next part, God bless you!

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