Representing The Religion.

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Being a Christian does not mean to stop living your life, and limit it in reading the Bible and praying.

You can have a job, go to parties, be fashionable, have different hobbies that aren't related to Christianity, have none Christian friends, and still be a true Christian who put God first, it's just about what you do and how you do it and how you represent the religion.
Now that might be a little blurry and controversial, but let's start the study so everything can be clear.

Being a Christian means being a good citizen, a good citizen who follows the rules of the country and the government as long as it doesn't contract with the Bible, it also means to care about people's safety, and lately, most Christians were very bad citizen.

The pandemic showed how crazy people can be, like they thought the vaccine is the mark of the beast...

There were (are)  many reasons you can say to defend yourself for not taking the vaccine, the mark of the beast is absolutely not of them.

Or for example, not wearing the mask or not staying inside because they "trust" God and nothing will happen but what God has planned.
I don't wanna shock you, but when something evil happens to you, it's not from God, and if you stood beside someone who has Covid-19, you'll get the virus no matter how religious you are.
Lord Jesus told us to be smart as snakes, this is no way near to being smart.
Your health, and others health, is in your hand, even though absolutely you can't decide whether to be sick or not, but that doesn't mean you don't protect yourself and follow the health rules that are said by WHO and your country to keep yourself as safely and healthy as possible as a human being can.

Stop judging

And that does NOT mean to NOT judge at all , infact you MUST judge, but most people are doing it in the wrong way.

It's important and we are called to tell a sin when we see a sin, or something wrong in common, but that does not mean to:

A- Wait each other to sin, so we can talk about how bad these people are.
When one of our brothers or sisters in faith trip, we should first blame ourselves for not praying enough, we should tell that person that they sinned, between you and them, then bring a friend, then two.

B- Be scandalous, when a brother/ sister sins, we should blame ourselves first; for not praying enough for that person. We should remember that we are no better than the sinner, cause we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

So when someone fell, it's not something to speak about at tea time, and we must not think that we are better than them, may God lead us all to the right road away from sins.

Start judging.

Is it getting complicated a little? Jesus told us to judge, but to not be hypocrites or give up on morality while doing this.

Let me give an example:
I heard a certain priest has committed sexual harrassment, later on it was proved.

A- until the news is proven right or wrong, I should pray, for the priest, and for the victim, for justice to take place, knowing fully that sexual harrassment is a shameful sin, so is lying.

B-If people started talking about it, I should not take sides, as nothing is confirmed, but I should acknowledge that the guilty should be punished.

C- When the news is proven, I should make a stand by cutting my relationship with that priest, which also means not to go to the church he's teaching in.
It also means that if I get asked about it, I should not sugarcoat it, he sinned, he made a mistake.
But it also means not to add anything else, he sinned, he should be/will be punished. Period, that's wrong, my prayers go with the victim, period.  That's it , no need to make it like he is the first one to sin.
Too unfortunate the western church still let priests with such cases against them still work and preach people.
No need to bring it up for no reason, no need to put it on TV.

In the past part, we have talked about how a mother should act when her kid go in a wrong way, it's exactly the same here, when I hear someone did something wrong, I have to say it's wrong, when someone lies, I have to say that he is lying, he shouldn't do that, it's just about how you say it.


Keep the commands.
For example:
I listen to horoscopes, but I know the Bible says it's a sin, so practically I am committing a sin.
When people around me talk about horoscopes, I'm not supposed to share that topic, I'm supposed to say it's a sin, because it supposed to be a sin that I am trying to get rid off.
I don't say I don't follow horoscopes because that'll make me a lier.
I say, I don't like talking about this due to the fact it is a sin.

It's important to note out a sin, and to say what religiously is right and wrong, and openly say that you pray you stop committing the sin you do.

Another example, if I don't fast, I'm not supposed to say "the intentions are what matters"  or "look at the people who do bad things yet fast" .

I don't fast, that's bad, I pray that God lead me to start fasting, it is a command, to fast.

Be a delicate Christian.

Let's give an example.
I like Taylor swift, I listen to all her songs.
I skip Karma when it starts playing, because I don't believe in karma, nor the lyrics that Taylor says "karma is god"

Another one, I LOVE watching movies, but absolutely will never, under any condition, watch movies with sexual scenes, homosexual scenes, or scenes that speak badly about Jesus.
Let me repeat, I wont watch it at all, not just skip it.

Let's say, it was a good movie, all good except that one little scene were they make fun of Jesus, the Bible, or any other religious figure, I am supposed to give it a zero star rate with a big fat comment about how wrong and bad it is.

Defending religion is a part of representing religion.

When someone does or says something wrong, especially a celebrity, speak up, because they are "influencers" and they affect people.


I had to, I really had to put a section just for this.

The code is this: cover everything from shoulders to knees, not too tight, not visible. This goes for men and women.

I must note, we don't wear modest so the person from the another sex don't get turned on by seeing my body. Our bodies are very precious, and God teach us to protect them are respect them by only showing them to the only that deserves it, that one that we will share the rest of our lives with: the husband.

But also, makeup is for women only. It is a sin for men to wear makeup.
It is a sin for women to wear makeup/ certain clothes  to turn men on. It is a sin to wear bikini on the beach :) or posting pictures half naked.

- Feel free to ask questions.
- until the next time, God bless you!

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