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"Well I'm fucked" I said as I read my eviction notice, as if it wasn't obvious enough I have problems, I didn't put up a fight I just packed my things plus my dog and hopped into my van.

I didn't have much money for gas but lucky for me my gas tank was pretty full I knew it wouldn't run out anytime soon. I looked back at my old home to see my landlord welcoming new people into my now empty apartment. I have no idea how he was able to get these randos into the apartment but it didn't matter, it was just me, myself and I... And also my dog... And my car... And-you know what! Im not alone I'm fine! I have all of my stuff in trash bags! I am no where near alone.

I looked to the passenger seat to see my dog sitting there with the seat belt on, he's an... Eccentric dog. "We are going to make it big time I just know it!" I said only to get an eye roll in response.

I looked out the front windshield, heard the seatbelt unbuckle, and then felt him sit on my lap."What? You don't think we can get back on our feet? C'mon man you know your a dog right? Your not the one doing the work!" I argued, he just pawed at my hand and gave me a worried look. I knew he was worried about me, I know he's a dog but we have a pretty strong  bond along with a very good understanding of each other.

"I know baby boy, dont worry about me I'm fine, I won't have another incident, I'll-" I was saying, but I was soon interrupted by my landlord yelling from the balcony of the first floor "GET OUT OF THE DRIVE WAY BITCH!".

I revved my engine while rolling down the window and flipping him off on my way to a brand new start. As I looked into the mirror to see the apartment building of horror get smaller and smaller eventually getting blocked by the street and trees behind me.

I chuckled and looked back to the road ahead. "Alright boy as I was saying! I'll get you a new home and maybe another Mommy, or a Daddy~" I wiggled my eyebrows at the poor dog he sighed and went back to the passenger seat, curling into a little fluffy bagle and peacefully drifted into sleep.

"hey Zoey" (it's basically knockoff Siri) I said to my phone, the screen lit up, "yes? What do you need?" she asked "What's the closest town?" I asked."the closest town is sleepy peaks" the digital woman said.

"Thanks Zoey!" I said, "no problem Y/N" she said as my screen went back to being blank. I looked this so called "Sleepy Peaks" place up on goggle maps and saw it was about four miles away. I smiled in determination, Im going to find my way!

I looked at Paco's sleepy little figure. I loved my boy so much, he was basically my son. I wouldn't trade him for the world, he is my rock he's always been there for me He really is the best boy.


I parked on next to the curb and turned the car off I checked my phone to check what time it was...  buuut I got a bit excited because of the notifications, but only three of them caught my eye, those being one from TubeYou and the other from yes... Tinder.

I was very disappointed in myself for getting tinder because.. Well it's fucking tinder! I giggled and opened tinder, I got a match! It was a cute red headed guy named David, as I checked his profile I saw he had seven pictures 'talk about desprate' I thought.

I thought it was a bit weird that this guy was into me because we had pretty different interest, I wasn't too fond of nature but I still appreciated it but David... Oh god David seemed to LOVE nature. As for me I liked art, spooky scary things, ect very different things from this guy you get the point. I don't know why we matched but I was happy. He was actually pretty cute.

That's when I noticed two things: Paco was now awake and looking at me in confusion while tilting his head, and that David had left me a message. "It looks like I you might have a new daddy pretty soon!~~" I gushed. He rolled his eyes as he pawd at my hand to get a look at his potential new dad.

𝙹𝚄𝚂𝚃 𝙰 𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶-camp camp david x reader Where stories live. Discover now