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•The universe. The word kosmos may refer to the universe or the whole of creation.
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Jay was glad it was a Saturday, don't get him wrong, going to school was nice-if only too see the utter madness and ridiculousness his class had to offer and to hang out with his coup of friends, but kids need their relaxation time too, under the covers his brows furrowed at the sound of an insistent tapping noise at his window, thinking it was Jeremy

a kid he absolutely did not like coming to bother him again(probably to borrow the toy guns he got for his previous birthday), he rolled onto his stomach and pretend to be asleep though the knocking persisted, it was a good one minute before the kid finally caved into annoyance and threw the covers off and sat up, readying a glare only for it to melt into a surprised look, if you'd ask Jay, waking up to an owl pecking at his window certainly wasn't on his morning checklist-

"Uh-hello there?" he spoke up, the owl perking up and letting out its owl little hoot and bobbing its head as he shuffled closer to his window, grasping the ends of it and lifting the frame up letting his new friend in "you're pretty- what's this?" squinting at the parchment letter with bright red satin fabric tying it together, he gently reached under the owl to untie the parchment from its leg and unwrapped it, squinting at the words in confusion

"Uh-hello there?" he spoke up, the owl perking up and letting out its owl little hoot and bobbing its head as he shuffled closer to his window, grasping the ends of it and lifting the frame up letting his new friend in "you're pretty- what's this?...

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"The hell is a Hogwarts" he squinted, trying to read the name that was signed on the bottom in fancy cursive writing "and who is mc..gong..gal?- don't think you know the answer to this don't ya big man?" the only response he got was a coo and his new friend pecking at its feathers making him sigh and shake his head, deciding to consult his father about this, he picked up the horned owl like how you would pick up a puppy or a cat and set it-him?her? whatever, he'll research later, and set the avian on his study table, the animal watching him curiously

Making quick work of fixing his bed jay reached over to pick up the owl once more only for it to fly up and land on his shoulder, letting the owl be he made his way to the kitchen, the sound of a classic playing on the radio and the smell of coffee and 'tocino' invading his senses making him perk up, the animal on his shoulder ruffling its wings in interest making jay grin as they both trudged into the kitchen

"Hey little star-oh my god!-" poor bane, wanting to greet his son only to get jump scared by a random great horned owl on said sons shoulder, the kid gave an apologetic look but showed his father the letter "what's a hogwarts?" he bluntly asked, oblivious to the fact that his father stiffened at the name as he looked like he got war flashbacks, "jay, buggy, let me see the letter?" the older man coaxed, jay gave it to his dad and going to their kitchen table, ignoring the small 'no owls on the table jay' from the older Takeda and tore a off a piece of his toast then put some of the sweet meat on it and gave it to the avian

Said animal scarfed it down happily as it and the boy had a conversation, technically one sided since owls can't talk but the thing made noises so jay counts it as two sided, a few feet away from them bane was having a crisis, he knew their true heritage would catch up to his kid eventually but he didn't think it would be soon, but still,keeping the kid from what he was wasn't a thing that bane decided should go on, and based on the crow glaring at him from his window, his wife would've agreed, so he cleared his throat and turned back to the other two

"Jay." That got the other twos attention as they both perked up in sync and turned their attention to the older man "I think it's time for you to learn what we really are, kid" a small silence stretched on before jay spoke up "..humans?" Orion bluntly asked making bane sigh albeit, a bit fondly "yes, little tyke, we are humans but that isn't what im referring to" moving to sit down he briefly glanced at the owl staring at him like a kid waiting for story time and let the avian be

"I'm going to need you to listen attentively, ya got that?" and with a small nod, he proceeded "Jay..we're wizards-" he raised a hand up when Orion's mouth opened to ask a question "-pure blooded ones, actually, both your mom and me were born in pure blooded wizarding families with a long lineage of them back in the other 'world"

"When your mother died due to assisting another family to escape..'him'..I thought it was safer for you to be cut off from that side of us, and well..the wizards who don't go to this side of the realm think we've been missing for fourteen years" for once, Orion didn't know what to say "so..those weird people in robes that day-" "they're wizards? Yeah"questions from the kid ran dry and he sat there, processing it, the owl cooing and rubbing against its friends face as his father let him take it all in

he's been shut out from an aspect of who he is for all his life, but he knows why his father shut him out, bane just didn't want to possibly lose another part of him, but still, to know that he's a supposed 'pure blooded' one and came from a long line of them is weird to fathom, as the silence stretched on it was only a matter of time until- "I want to be a wizard."- and, there it is, "please, aba?" putting on his best convincing face, it was a surprise to just hear his dad chuckle

"Yup, just like your mother.." bane fondly recalled and gave Orion a small smile "I knew you'd react like that kid, alright, your going to hogwarts" "wait just like that-" "eat your breakfast kid, get your pet something to eat too" bane stood up and ruffled the kids hair, nodding at the owl and walking to his room, going to go write a letter back(though by the small smile forming on banes face,he's surely only writing back to greet his favorite professor once more), hogwarts huh..sometimes tells Orion that he'll have quite the experience there, oh well, maybe he'll make some new friends there(author scribbling down how manages to befriend slytherins and people from other houses in the background..)

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A/N: AAAANNNNDD CHAPTER TWO DOONNNEEE!!!, chapter three in the works riggghhhttt..now

A/N 2: transferred a snippet of chapter three here to make it longer, and I didn't like where chap three was going soo oh well!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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