Family Dinner

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After getting dropped off at home, I put my stuff in my room and headed right back out. Not feeling like going through the house, I went through my window, avoiding my parents. The forest was still dewy from the afternoon heat, and droplets landed on my arms as I walked through the foliage. August was already almost over, and I hoped that the school year would move as fast as the summer did. This year was gearing up to be even more dramatic than ever. With the boys coming in, and my dad's clear fascination with them, it seemed every day would be interesting.

Coming to a stop, I climbed a tree and stayed for an hour. The sky was mostly clear, wispy clouds moved slowly on as the sun inched along the skyline. Birds chirped and squirrels were chittering farther away into the treetops. The sky was always a place for solace, even when it couldn't calm itself. The sky always stayed the same, readable, and predictable. The boys were a constant thought in my head. Why were they really at the school, and why did they follow me and my father around?

Something was going on that I needed to figure out. My father wanted me to spy on them, and they were spying on us. Not only that, but they all have some kind of communication set up to use without talking. Why would all of this be going on now? Why do they need that communication, and why exchange to Ashley Water of all places? Sighing, I got back down and headed home.

Dinner was never much of an occasion at my house, rather it was a brief time where we might be in the same room grabbing different food when I don't cook. Getting the ingredients ready, I started cooking some spaghetti and garlic bread. Once dinner was ready, I set the table and walked to the living room.

"Dinner is ready. There's spaghetti and garlic bread. Did you guys want your usual drinks?" Getting nods in return, I went back the way I came and grabbed a beer and some wine. Both my parentals liked to drink when they could, which meant every night. Setting them in their respective places, I moved to grab my dinner and go to my room.

"Hold on, I want you to eat with us tonight. It's the least you could do." My father spoke as he walked in, my back still to him. Turning, I glared at him as I moved to sit in my spot for when guests were over. He only ever had me sit with them when he wanted something.

"How was school today? I noticed you made some new friends." Father asked while filling his fork with spaghetti noodles and sauce. Slurping up the contents, he got pieces of sauce on his shirt and face. Making no comment, I sighed and continued eating. The faster I finished, the faster I could clean up and go to my room.

"Your father is talking to you, respond to him you ungrateful brat." My mother said, taking her last swig of wine. Somehow, my parents managed to love each other very much through all of their cheating and lying. They still demanded respect for their significant other, even if they wouldn't give it themselves.

"School was fine, I went to classes and did homework at a friend's house before coming home. Nothing that special. I'm going to go clean up." Grabbing my half-finished food, I stood and started toward the kitchen. I would rather not eat and avoid the impending argument and interrogation. Cleaning up the minimal dishes from cooking, I just finished wiping down the counters as my father came in with the dishes. Setting them in the sink with a clatter, he turned to me.

"Tell me what you know. Clearly you did as I said and got close to those boys." Walking toward me as he talked, he towered over me, blocking me in the corner of the counter space. Glaring at him over my shoulder, I continued wiping the counters without a word. I had already made it clear I wouldn't do what he wanted. Grabbing me arm, he forced me around and leaned in closer.

"I said tell me what you know, don't make me force you." Red in the face, he spit as he talked. I always hated this part of the night. He started to get more forceful after drinking. Glaring even harder, I spit back my reply.

"They are a normal group of boys who you should leave alone. I have seen no odd activity or signs of anything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to get back to my work so I can be left alone." Jerking my arm out of his grip, I turned back around and finished wiping the counter. Feeling the air shift, I started to turn only to be stopped as my hair was pulled from behind. Using my head, my father shoved me into the counter. My hip pressed against the edge as he applied body weight to keep me in place.

"I told you to get information. I know you saw more than that, and you will tell me. Get me what I asked for or your free passes with go away. I'm tired of your ungrateful attitude." Shoving off of me as he spit out his last words, my father walked out of the room, and I could hear his footsteps thudding into the living room. Shaking my arm out, I threw the towel in the sink and walked out. Trembling as I walked up the stairs, I locked my door as soon as I stepped in my room. While my father was prone to yelling and throwing things when he got upset, he had never laid a hand on me. My head ached from where he pulled my hair, and my hip was throbbing again.

This school year was already turning into chaos, and I really didn't want to know how much worse it could get. 


I am so sorry for not updating in so long! Hope you enjoy the chapter and are doing well!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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