Kota's House

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Walking along the path to the forest, the roar of cars and yelling teens was in full swing. My hip felt a little bit better, but not by much. Dr. Green had put some cream on it that was supposed to help with the bruising. Glaring at the teens by the football field, I settled in and began the short walk into the forest. The forests around here were wet most of the time, the plants collecting the dew from the ever-present humidity. Just as I was about to touch one of the leaves, a voice called out. Luke was a few paces away, and when I turned he jogged the last few steps to me.

"Hey (Y/N), did you want to come over to Kota's house with us? A few of the guys can't stay, but the rest of us who are wanted to invite you." Luke looked happy at the idea of me being over, his eyes glazing for a second before focusing on me again. Thinking it over, I agreed and started to follow him back to the loud parking lot.

Three cars sat next to each other, each with some amount of the group in them. Victor sat in the driver's seat of a silver SUV, North behind the wheel of a black Jeep, and Kota was just getting into a green car. Gabe was in the car with Victor, but past that everyone was scattered in the cars at random. Sliding into the Jeep with Luke, Silas was in back, so I sat next to him, refusing to go up front again. Each of these guys were taller than me, so I didn't mind sitting in the back, it let me relax knowing at least some of them were comfortable. Glaring at me from the mirror, North grunted at us to get our seat belts on and got into the growing line out of the parking lot.

Once at Kota's house, the boys seemed to lighten up a little bit. North was the only one who was still tense towards me, and I could understand why. I was an unknown, and with who my father is, it isn't that hard to assume that I am not a good person. I was sitting toward a corner of the room, watching the boys talk about homework and what their plans for the day were. Pulling out my own homework, I began working on it, their voices a nice background compared to the normal silence. I could hear the rustling of papers, and some annoyed words muttered, but eventually we all finished our work.

"How could teachers assign work on the first day? It's so unfair!" Luke groaned on, saying he just wanted to take a nap and dream of candy. North scoffed at that and chopped the back of his head. Kota glanced up from his work, smiling before continuing. Silas was simply just sitting and watching, having finished part of his work in school. Nathan grumbled about silence, and delved back into the math homework. These boys were really a family, one that I could only wish for.


Sorry, I know it's short, but it is something. Things will begin to move along more in the next chapter, so this is just kind of a preface I guess? Anyway, comment if you have any ideas for the plot, as I am always open to suggestions for this kind of writing. Hope you enjoy, and see you next time! Also my dog is 3 now! 

 Hope you enjoy, and see you next time! Also my dog is 3 now! 

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