You're Not A Brat, Baby

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It's one of those rare days. Wooyoung has the day off. Which means that he has time to be little. The whole group knows he's a little, and are all his caregivers, so he doesn't mind who he stays home with.

Today it's Seonghwa, or Mama as his little side affectionately calls him. The rest of the group all have schedules, but Seonghwa and Wooyoung were lucky enough to get the day off.

They'd started the day sleeping in, the rest of the group long gone before either one get up. Seonghwa's the first of the two up. Checking on Wooyoung and seeing the boy still asleep, Seonghwa heads into the kitchen to get a simple breakfast sorted for them. It only takes ten minutes and once he's done he heads back into the little's room.

The boy's still asleep when he gets in and he coos silently, he's curled up around a blue bear plushie that Yunho had gotten him when they'd first learnt about his regression. He'd gone to bed big, but Seonghwa can tell he's gonna be waking up little today.

"Hey Woowie, you need to wake up baby." Seonghwa gives Wooyoung a little nudge as he starts to pull the covers away from the boys sleeping form. Wooyoung's face scrunches up in displeasure and he tries to grab for the covers, whining from the loss of warmth. "C'mon, bub. Breakfast is ready."

"'don wanna." Wooyoung mumbles, turning away from Seonghwa.

"Don't be a brat baby." Seonghwa scold gently. Wooyoung sits up instantly looking a little scared.

"Sorry Mama." Seonghwa just laughs gently and gets Wooyoung out of bed and into some clothes. Wooyoung's quiet the whole time but Seonghwa excuses it as the boy just being tired.

"Here Bub, eat up." Seonghwa gathers food on the fork, moving it towards Wooyoung's mouth. The boy opens up without complaint and eats his food.

Seonghwa alternates between feeding himself and feeding Wooyoung. Surprisingly the boy doesn't voice any complaints about the speed of the spoonfuls coming to his mouth, nor the amount of food he is given. Usually the boy has something to say about everything.

Hoping to get the boy to open up a bit more, he suggests play time. The reaction he'd expect is one of explosive excitement, but all be gets is a shallow nod and Wooyoung moving towards the living room, where his toy box is located. Wooyoung sits on the ground, patiently waiting for Seonghwa to open the box.

A little confused, Seonghwa opens the box and pulls out Wooyoung's lego bricks. The boy looks quite content when Seonghwa places the collection down, so Seonghwa leaves him be, pulling out his phone and watching some youtube.

When Seonghwa leaves the room to go to the bathroom, Wooyoung looks a bit wary of him. Wooyoung hadn't made a noice all day and Seonghwa's getting a little concerned, but he lets the boy be because a quiet boy doesn't seem like something he should be concerned over, right?

Coming back into the living room, Seonghwa realises that it's lunch time, and tells the little as much. Wooyoung nods and begins to pack up his lego blocks, making them all neat again. He looks up at Seonghwa once he's put them all back into their box, clearly expecting something.

"What do you want, baby?" Seonghwa asks softly, crouching down close to the boy.

"Put away?" Wooyoung whispers, pushing the box close to Seonghwa. Seonghwa furrows his eyebrows, the boy usually wants to play for as long as possible.

After a few seconds of silence Wooyoung whines like he's uncomfortable and moves to get up. Seonghwa lets him and Wooyoung picks up the box and takes it over to the toy box, placing the lego collection inside. He then closes the box and turns back to Seonghwa.

"Lunch time, Mama?" Wooyoung asks.

"It's not ready yet baby."

"I wait for Mama." Wooyoung nods, seeming sure of himself. Seonghwa, although confused, leads Wooyoung into the kitchen. Wooyoung sits down at the table without a word, just watching Seonghwa.

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