Jongie's Swimming Adventure

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Another day off for the ATEEZ members, a beautiful sunny day, a perfect day to go swimming. Hongjoong had convinced management to rent out a pool for the boys and everyone was excited to have a fun day to themselves.

It had taken about an hour for the members to get ready, everyone so overly excited that they almost forgot to pack lunch. The ride to the pool was loud and full of energy, everyone raring to get in the water.

Once they got to the pool everyone clambered out the van. The pool venue was a small one with only one outdoor 25m pool, but it was perfect for the boys day out. Everyone was already dressed in their bathers, they just needed to blow up their various pool toys that they had bought in preparation for the pool day.

One of the managers pulled the pump out of the back of the van, they had three managers with them, two women and one male. They were ATEEZ's favourite managers, the most open minded of the bunch, hence why they had been invited on the pool trip.

The five members with pool toys, Yunho, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Mingi, followed the manager, eager to get their toys filled with air and in the water. The other three hadn't bought anything, intending to share with the others, who had things ranging from a beach ball to a huge swan inflatable.

Jongho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa helped the two female managers unload the food and bring it all inside, setting up in a gazebo close to the edge of the pool. The team with the pump were less than fifteen metres away, so everything was going well, no one was lost yet.

Everything was going smoothly, Seonghwa hanging everyone's towels in accessible places, Jongho setting out the snacks onto the table and Hongjoong helping the managers manoeuvre the multiple esky and bags into place.

Everything was going smoothly until the pump was turned on. It made a very loud noise, startling Jongho, who up until that point was not feeling little in the slightest. He wasn't usually triggered by fear, but the noise in combination with the fun energy that had been radiating and the packet of sweets he held in this hands were the perfect triggers.

Jongie placed the sweets down on the table and looked around for his Dada and Mama. He spotted Mama just a few feet away, searching in one of the bags.

"Mama? Jongie little." Seonghwa stood up instantly, first looking over at the managers to see if they had noticed, which they hadn't, before turning to Jongie.

"Okay baby. Do you wanna stay little today, or let big Jongie play in the pool?" Seonghwa asked, sitting Jongie on the bench.

"Jongie want to stay. Can Jongie stay little, Mama?"

"Of course, baby." Seonghwa nodded, smiling at the boy. "Now, Mama just needs to get Dada's attention for a moment, can you wait here like a good boy for Mama darling?"

"Jongie can be good, Mama." Jongie nodded, sitting nice and straight to prove his point.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Seonghwa ruffled the boy's hair before moving over to Hongjoong. He whispered something in his ear, to which Hongjoong nodded and went over to the managers. Seonghwa came back over to Jongie with a smile on his face.

"Dada's going to let everyone know that Jongie's feeling little and then Jongie can have some fun, okay baby?" Jongie nodded, smiling up at Seonghwa. The managers were already aware of Jongho's regression and were really good at handling the boy.

Seonghwa heard the pump turn off and a bunch of footsteps heading their way. He looked up to see a rainbow of moving colours, all the pool toys now filled and smiles on everyone's faces. Before Seonghwa could say anything, Hongjoong got everyone's attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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