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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

Elise got back to her dorm and showered, putting on her low-waisted slacks and a tight tank top. She slipped on cute, colorful trainers and put on light makeup, before going into the common room.

She stopped halfway down the stairs, shocked to see Blaise standing there. "I thought Draco was going to come to get me?" Blaise responded with a sigh and an eye roll. "He was going to, but he waited until the last minute possible to get in the shower, it was too late by then."

Elise raised her eyebrows and nodded her head once, then rolled her eyes, "Of course. Wouldn't have expected anything less than that." Blaise snickered and slowly looked the girl's body up and down. "You look great."

The two made eye contact and both smiled at each other. "Let's get going." Elise pulled Blaise out of his uncomfortable trance, walking past him, grabbing his hand.  "Right."

They walked down the nearly empty corridor, the candles that ran across the wall dimmed, as curfew was getting closer. "He's been acting weird...Draco." Blaise tried his hardest to break the uncomfortable silence that continued to carry on. "Is that so?" Elise asked rhetorically, looking up at the tall dark-skinned boy walking to her left.

His pink lips thinned into a straight line as he nodded his head, staring straight in front of him. "Any idea why?" Blaise sucked on his teeth loudly and looked down at Elise, shaking his head. "Nope."

"Well, his energy must have carried over. You're quite awkward at the moment. Why is that?" Blaise shrugged his shoulders and inhaled, "Tired from the match today, I'm sure that's all." Elise nodded and raised her eyebrows as they turned the corner and stopped in front of the door to the dungeons. "Pure-blood," he whispered the password, "after you."

While waiting for the celebration to begin, Blaise had brought Elise up to his dormitory, making her wait on an unmade bed while he continued to set up the common room. She sat there twiddling her thumbs as she slowly looked around the room, observing how messy it was. To her right, the door to the lavatory opened, and out walked Draco, hair damp and messy, with nothing on except for a white towel loosely wrapped around his waist.

"Elise, what are you doing in here?" He asked calmly watching as the girl stood up quickly, examining his exposed stomach. "Oh, Blaise brought me up here, told me I wasn't allowed to wait in the common room." Elise answered, attempting to avoid staring at the half-naked boy in front of her. Draco's head turned towards the wall as he looked at the time, "We didn't plan on starting for another hour."

Blaise opened the door, startling them both. His eyes widened while he asked, "I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?" Draco shook his head no and Elise scoffed, "You brought me here early?" he smiled innocently and she shook her head, "Sorry, Draco, didn't mean to see you like this."

"It's alright." He replied quickly, watching Elise and Blaise leave the room together.


EW i def just wrote that for nothing skrjeodhdi i hate this plot and i have literally 2 chapters. ANYWAYS

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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