Chapter-2 The Battle of the Claw

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"Amaimono!? Is that you!?" Bakugou asked in utter disbelief.

"Kaachan, is that you?" Tears almost started to build at the corner of my eyes.

I made my way towards him slowly as he just stood up staring back at me not knowing what to do.

Everyone backed up making way for me. Once I reached him I just stared back into his eyes. I reached to hug him when someone interrupted.

"Very touching reunion but get back to your seats, class is going to begin." A hobo looking man said wrapped in a tent bag or a full-body jacket?

Unexpectedly everyone rushed to their seats, but I didn't know where to sit!

"Y/N please come to the front of the class and introduce yourself."

"Er- yes sir?" I stammered as I trudged my way to the front of the classroom.

"Well, good morning everyone my name is Y/N and I am-"

"Last name."


"What's your last name?" The long black-haired man asked.

"Oh! My last name... My last name is Higanbana. Y/N Higanbana." I gulped, it wasn't a common name so I know what everyone's mind went straight to.

Just like I expected. The murmuring and whispering started.

"Isn't that the last name of a hero that died? It isn't a common family name."

"Now that you mention it she looks like him too."

"Do you think he's her dad?"

"Poor her."

Every time I think it would be different, but every time I was just naive.

"Shut up you extras. If you're gonna talk shit, go to the front of the class and let's see your ugly faces." Kaachan growled.

Sheesh. It did make me uncomfortable but not to that extent.

"Bakugou! Language!" The hobo man scolded.

"Tch whatever."

"Alright Y/N, welcome to class 1A and U.A, as a whole. I am your class teacher Aizawa Shota. You may collect your books at the admin office and get your hero costume sketch done by Hatsume after class. Your seat is in front of Midoriya." Aizawa~sensei elucidated.

Class teacher. CLASS TEACHER!? It looks like they picked him from the road!

"Thank you, sensei. I'm looking forward to this academic year with all of you!" I bowed to the class and teacher.

I went to sit on my seat that was coincidentally behind Kaachan.

"The class seems to like you," Deku whispered behind me.

"Really? I hope so! I tried my best!" I started only to be halted by someone kicking my chair.

"So you disappear after years and you don't get anything to say to me?" Kaachan scowled.

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