Chapter Fourteen: Jeopardy

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"I don't remember that at all." Clem said.

"For real? It was a game show, the host would tell people the answer-"

"That sounds a little pointless." Clem cut her off with a smirk.

Violet gave her a little shove on the shoulder.

"Hey, I wasn't finished. He'd give them the answer and they'd have to figure out the question. I used to watch it all the time with my grandma."

"Huh. I don't really remember, I didn't watch TV much. I usually played outside or watched movies on tape."

"Which movies did you have?"

"Let's see... there was one with a talking dog, and a cartoon where a guy got three wishes or something."

"That's cool, I never had a VCR as a kid. We lived in a trailer so... there wasn't really money for fancy stuff like that." Violet said with a melancholy chuckle.

"Hey, do you think we'd still be like, together if the world wasn't like this?" Violet continued.

"Of course." Clem smiled.

"Heh, honestly? You'd probably be studying to be a doctor or a lawyer or something. I'd still be in Texas in that shitty trailer park."

"Violet Adlon, are you trying to imply that I'm too good for you? Because thats the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Even if I had the pick of anyone in the world, I'd still be with you."

Violet crossed her arms and leaned against a tree, smiling coyly.

"I'm glad you proposed, I would have been way too scared to do it."

Clementine smiled back at her.

"I'm glad I proposed too."

Violet's smile dropped and she suddenly looked worried.

"Shit, look." Violet pointed, crouching down behind a tree.

Clementine saw a tiny cabin, most likely a hunting shack or something similar, several yards ahead of them. It wasn't in as good condition as the previous cabin they had seen. The windows were cracked and there were rotted boards all over the outside.
Clem and Violet both took out their pistols.

"What are the odds that someone's inside?" Clem asked.

"Probably high."

Clementine frowned and let out an exasperated sigh. She became acutely aware of the weight of her backpack, or the lack thereof. Once again, their supplies were dwindling. Once again they needed to risk being killed so that they wouldn't starve later down the track.

"Fuck... we need bullets, food, anything. I think we should check it out. If there's anybody inside or nearby, we leave."

"Clem, I don't like that idea."

"I don't either, but what choice do we have? We've got maybe a week's worth of food left and then that's it."

"Fine, but if there's even the hint that someone's been there recently, we're out. Deal?" Violet said firmly.

"Deal." Clementine nodded.

Clementine drew her pistol and readied her knife in the opposite hand. Violet took out her kukri and the pair crept up to the shack, staying low.
They moved from tree to tree as cover, pressing themselves against the trunk. Now that they were closer, Clem could see windows on the sides of the building.
She tried to get an angle from where she was, but all she could see was the peeling wallpaper in the corner of the room. Clem got closer, not lowering her gun an inch. She peered into the window and saw nothing, the entire shack was just one room. There was a set of slatted double doors on the back wall, a basin and faucet next to the door and a single wooden chair.

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