Chapter one

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And here is where Ellie's side of the story begun.

I was sitting beside my husband eating dinner when my maid came in to inform me that someone was asking for me.

"She said it was an emergency, says you two used to be in a Judy Blume book club together" the maid quoted whoever was on the phone.

"Is that a real thing?" My husband asked confused and it took a minute but then I thought if the only person who could be calling right now.


"I should go and speak with them, I will be back in a minute" I get up from the table and let go of my husbands hand.

Hesitantly I pick up the phone and put it my ears. I didn't think talking to her again would be this stressful.

"Hello" I try and make my voice strong and commanding but I don't think it sounded like either.

"Hello, Mrs Robinson" hearing zigs voice made my heart jumpstart. The butterflies are back. Her pice had deepened and was different i many ways but I could still recognise it anywhere.

"Ziggy, how are you?" I asked her even though from what I heard life hasn't been easy.

"My name is Christine and I have no time for pleasantries" She seemed like she was in a rush and I have no idea why she has called me.

"You know you'll always be my Ziggy" I laughed a little and I swore she did too.

"It's happening again and after what you did at camp, you better help me end this" So she hasn't forgotten either.

"We're you this bossy when we were children" I teased knowing that she was this bossy.

"Screw this. Have a nice night, Mrs Robinson" she scoffed angrily.

"Wait zig- Christine. What do you need me to do?" I asked her.

"Meet me at my house and hurry" I was about to go wolf when the line went dead.

I hurrily grabbed my bag with my keys and other belongings and left without any word.

I drove down to where Ziggy said she was living now and I stopped the car to see her and three kids running out the door.

I got out and I ran as I quick as my feet would carry me, what were they running from? Soon I realised that what they were running from was me.

"Ziggy, wait" I shouted out to her and fortunately she turned around to face me.

I'm thirty two years old, why am I still chasing after this girl? I realised why when she turned around and she had never looked more beautiful, I couldn't help but smile.

"Your brother, your family. You are the cause of all of this, my sister is dead because of you. You put on this nice girl charade, you always have but deep down you are toxic and poisonous and you infect everyone around you" she spat and her words were hard to swallow but I had to make her see my side.

"Let me come with you and I will explain everything, I promise" when she didn't budge, I had to pull out the big guns.

"I'm calling a Judy Blume club meeting" I wasn't proud of this but I was desperate and they needed my help.

"We came up with that when we were sixteen" she sighed and shook her head.

"What are the rules?" I asked her knowing couldn't say no to this.

"All new members need to be approved all members, never intentionally hurt your fellow member and when someone calls a Judy Blume club meeting everyone attends" she recited our carefully chosen rules.

"And what happens when the rules are broken?" I asked her even though I knew the rules off by heart.

"If someone breaks the rules, the other member is allowed to punch them in the face"

"Would you like to be punched? Because I'll punch you" I told her with a serious expression on my face.

"Fine but hurry because we don't have all day" she huffed and we got into the car.

"Try anything and I'll kill you" deena warned me and I nodded to show I understood.

"Now you wanna hear my side of the story?

They all nodded and I started at that start, I started where it all began. I started at camp nightwing and the events that followed.

Burning heart, Ziggy berman Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora