Steve/Bucky- I like that name

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Outfit is similar to black widow but has cargo pants and includes the same mask as the winter soldier

1942. The year you had everything, and lost it all. You began with two best friends. Both nerds. One was scrawny little Steve. Heart of gold and extremely stubborn, acted on his morals. You admired him for his persistence but with all the conditions he has... getting into alleyway fights every second day really doesn't help his case. The other was James- or Bucky. He was a real lady's man. Knew how to strike up a conversation with anyone and also knew how to end a fight.
1942 your little group was put out of rhythm as Bucky was enlisted, and Steve was adamant about enlisting too. You wanted to, but women weren't... held as high as the men and weren't seen as anywhere near as capable. However after you were invited by Steve to see his transformation, you met Peggy Carter. She was drawn to your determination and took you under her wing, training you to be an agent like her. It was your work with Peggy that first got you on Hydra's radar. Then you were bumped up their watch list as your close friendship with Captain America became evident. Then you reached the top of their list when they realised your connection to the man they had planned to become the Winter Soldier. Their own Captain America. You had been taken and tortured to lure Captain America in, and it had worked, however when presented with the choice of saving you, or saving millions of people, you begged and yelled until he did what you told him to do; save the millions of people.

Since Captain America went into the ice and hydra had gone underground, you had undergone similar experiments to Bucky, although you hadn't known he was alive at the time.
Being a female meant their serum worked differently for you, giving you super strength, accelerated speed, heightened senses and higher brain function. In worked in their favour in your ability to quickly adapt and learn new things, including how to use technologies as they were invented and you had a higher level of problem solving. However your heightened brain function meant that it was harder for hydra to brain wash you completely and keep you submissive. They eventually developed a device that was ingrained in your skin that monitored your nerve system and certain levels in your system to predict when you would begin to resist, in which it would release a chemical into your blood system to prevent.
Your remained in work as the Winter Soldier was put under, but were placed as his partner when he was bought out as your previous relationship had created a strong subconscious bond, meaning that your partner dynamic and fighting were perfectly aligned and made you the perfect killing team. As the cases became easier, hydra gave you to Dreykov as he was developing his Widows. You assisted in the training and controlling, along with over seeing missions and completing the most difficult ones. You were taught more skills and fighting styles and within years you had mastered every fighting technique, weapon and assassination technique known to both hydra and the Red Room.
This is why they had put you on the case to find and  remove the compromised Winter Soldier, whose run in with Captain America had made him soft.

You had tracked down the Winter Soldier and Captain America's movement to an old hydra base. You footsteps made no noise as you followed the disturbances in the dust, tracking them. Your hearing had picked up the clunking of mental as Tony Stark has made his presence known to the targets. You prop open a locked door and swing yourself up onto the platform beside the entrance, putting you on the target's uncovered side as they confront Stark about his loyalty. As you stalk towards the exposed Soldier you hear a murmur from Starks suit and feel his guard go up. You slide behind a bench before you are spotted.
"There's someone else here."
"We tracked him here so he is probably around-"
"Captain I'm not referring to him. There's someone new in this room. Jarvis can you scan for heat signatures."
You hear the metal of The Winter soldiers arm as he tenses and turns on his feet, scanning the area. Keeping out of sight, you swiftly move to the pipes and metal poles above you and make your way across until you are above Stark. You have decided to eliminate him as a threat before you move onto your targets.
"Sir, there is one other heat signature found."
"Where, I don't see it?"
"Above you sir."
As Stark looked towards you, you drop down so you are sitting on his shoulders and put all you body weigh backwards. The unexpected movements caused Stark to be flipped onto his back. You pull out your gun and deliver two shots to his arc reactor in his chest, disabling it and rendering him powerless. Bucky begins to shoot at you which you manage to dodge in time as you sprint towards Captain America. You use the railing to your right to launch yourself up, in order to attack the captain form above. He puts up his shield to block you. The force of your attack forces the Captain to kneel under the impact making the edge of his shield hit the ground. You step on the side of the shield in the air, forcing Steve to move the shield to behind him, and disconnected the shield in the process. You kick the edge of it and catch it to quickly block Bucky's in coming attacks. As he goes to kick the shield you push it against him, causing him to lose balance and fall onto his back. You hear Captain America raise and start running towards you. You swivel on the spot to a kneeling position and hit him with a large shock of electricity, causing him to drop to the ground and shake violently. You deliver a similar shock to the Winter Soldier as he attempts to get up. You stand up, drop the shield and retrieve your two hand guns. Aiming one at each target.
"Targets 318 and 327 locked proceed with elimination?" You speak into your earpiece waiting for the order to execute the targets. You are met with nothing but static.
"Is the order to execute being given." After you are met with more static you take your earpiece out and aim your gun at The Winter Soldier. Just as you are about to fire, you feel a searing pain on your left shoulder. You look at your shoulder to see a burn caused by Stark, and your chemical injecting device laying metres away from you on the floor. As you register the situation you feel your thoughts fire as if they have been released from a cage. You lower the gun and walk towards the device, squatting to examine it. You pick it up and examine it curiously. You soon come to the realisation of what it is and as you start to feel your rebellious thoughts develop, and not be silenced, your legs give out and you sit in shock. You can feel the eyes of the other three as they watch you carefully and curiously, trying to understand the situation, but you don't take much notice as you start to fight the brainwashing caused by hydra.
"I'm sorry." Your softer voice is a harsh contrast to the level and determined voice from minutes before. It takes the three by surprise, however they stay on high alert.
"I could feel that what I was doing was wrong. But they made me do it. They controlled me."
You look towards Captain America and The Winter soldier, not entirely sure who the name came from. You remove the mask from the bottom half of your face and see a mixture of relief, disbelief and... hope?
"Ah so you know me. That's probably why they put me on this case." You look between the two super soldiers. Before returning your gaze to the device in your hands.
"Y/n. I like that name."

Time skip

"So we were friends in our past lives. That explains how you and had unmatched dynamics in '95." You pause your pacing in your cell (a precaution demanded by Stark) and point to Bucky. His eyebrows furrow together slightly, prompting you to continue your explanation.
"When they froze you to for longevity reasons I became the leading soldier. Naturally when you came back out they partnered us up for many missions. I assumed at the time it was because we were the most skilled of the agents, but we had this natural dynamic and understanding of each other in the field. I started to look into it and then was when they ended our partnership and sent me to the Red Room. I now realise that our relationship was why we worked well together, which is probably why they split us up when I started questioning it, so I wouldn't find out and start being defiant."
The silence is filled with the echo of your footsteps as you begin to pace, your mind still racing. Steve is the first to brake it.
"You weren't brainwashed? You remember everything?"
"Yes I was brainwashed and kept compliant, but due to the serum I am able to fight and slowly eliminate the effects of the brainwashing, which is why I had they device in my arm, it must have detected when my brain started to fight and would inject some sort of chemical to keep me complacent."
"Due to the serum? But I had the same serum and it didn't effect the brainwashing."
"That's because your male. I believe when hydra tried to replicate the super soldier serum they had not taken into account that the serum had been designed specifically for a male because it was only going to ever be giving to a male. So when hydra developed theirs they believed it worked through modifying certain genetics and they built it off of the base X chromosome. Males are of course have 1 X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome, so the serum built off of your X chromosome to modify around 50% of your genetics. But females have two X chromosomes, so the effects of the serum are multiplied to have a nearly 100% effect on my genetics."
You glance up to see Bucky and Steve trying to wrap their head around the new information. You look over at Stark who you can tell understands, and almost seems a little impressed.
"So if the serum has better effect on you, then what differences do you have to me?" You return your gaze to Bucky.
"So I have super strength like you, but I have accelerated speed so I can run faster then you and Steve, along with faster movements in combat. I have heightened senses so smell, hearing, sight, even taste and heightened spatial awareness. And finally I have higher and faster brain function. Stronger thoughts? Either way I am quicker and more equiped for problem solving and I can adapt quickly to new technologies. I learn things quicker and my rate of brain activity is high enough that it starts to break down the brainwashing from Hydra. I also have a good memory... except for what was beforehand. Every now and then I think I start to remember but hydra shuts it down." Steve and Bucky lull over the new information and your attention is drawn to Stark who walks over curiously.
"Adapt quickly to new technologies... what do you mean, your good at googling things?"
"It means that I was the first one in hydra to be able to figure out how to use things as they being invented. I was able to break into high class facilities without prior knowledge of their security system as I am able to understand their construction and how they run. I mean that I could probably break out of this cell in 5 minutes even though it's probably the most high tech thing I have seen in years."
"Shoot your shot." Tony's face is full of amusement as he gestures for you to try and break out. You give him a shrug and walk over to the door of the cell. You gently knock around where you believe the lock is until you hear a echo that is less hollow than the area around it. You pull a small switch blade from a hidden pocket in your belt and carefully cut along the weakest part of the panel, revealing a large exchange of wires and pads. You make note of what each one must trigger by figuring out where it goes and it's connection to the pad. The use your blade to carefully remove one chord. You then strip another to expose the wire about 20 cm from the end before you wrap the dislodged wire around it. You the remove another wire and temporarily attach it to the created hole. You then remove a fuse and rotate it, resulting in the door to the cell opening when you slot it into place. You walk out of the cell and are met with three astonished faces, before Tony's mouth spread into a wide grin and he gives you a clap.
"How about a drink?"

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