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The rain from outside of the castle crashed down, creating a loud echo in the marauders dorm room that evening.
"It's miserable outside" Peter commented, laying down on his bed and letting out a bored sigh.
"They cancelled quidditch practice today because of a potentially bad storm" James complained as he adjusted his glasses lazily.
Remus was on his bed, quietly reading when they'd begun complaining again. The rain may have been boring for them but Remus rather liked it. It made their warm dorm room more cozy in his opinion. He met James' eye who just smiled half heartedly.
"What are you reading anyway?" James asked, grabbing one of his pillows and resting it against the headboard and leaning onto it.
"Standard Book of Spells Grade 6" Lupin responded, shutting the book, knowing he wouldn't be able to concentrate if James was talking to him. He patiently put the book down and gave James his full concentration.
"Come on Moony, even you have to admit that reading textbooks is boring" James responded teasingly. His teasing was never mean, in fact it was more humorous. Remus chuckled lightly and looked back at his book.
"It's actually interesting, especially now that we get to learn more advanced charms this year" Lupin said and at that point the drenched figure of Sirius Black emerged from the doorway, dripping from head to toe with rain water.
James laughed and almost fell off of his bed at the look on Sirius' face. Peter held back a laugh and Remus had to bite his lip to stop a giggle escaping.
Sirius took one look at James and shook his head.
"I'm gonna kill you Potter!" he shouted and ran for Jmaes, tackling him to the ground. The two wrestled until Remus and Peter went to separate them. Once Remus had dragged Sirius away from him he noticed that James was still laughing and couldn't stop.

"Are Pete and I missing something?" he asked with his eyebrows raised and Sirius nodded and pointed an accusing finger at James who was keeled over laughing.
"He told me that Quidditch practice was still on this evening!" Sirius said and Peter snorted out a laugh. With a glare from Sirius he soon stopped.
Sirius wasn't angry, the half amused and half in disbelief that James had tricked him so easily.
"I'll get you back Potter '' he said and James ruffled Sirius' hair and the two shared a smile.
"I have no doubt that you will" James responded as Remus headed back to his books. There was parchment everywhere and notes scattered as he tried to finish his Theory of Charms essay from their previous class that day.

Sirius finished chatting with James and his eyes went to Remus who was no immersed in his book again, occasionally taking notes along with way or adding details to his neatly written essay.
He was so focused that he didn't notice that Sirius was next to him until he felt the drips of water on his hand.
"You should dry off, your hair might not flow right if it dries in rainwater" Remus muttered with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Oh ha ha" Sirius responded sarcastically as he climbed onto the bed. He quickly sat behind Remus wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on Remus' shoulder.
"Homework?" Sirius asked, reading a few lines of his essay over his shoulder.
Remus nodded with a murmured 'yes' as he continued to add to his essay.
Sirius edged his face sideways and kissed his cheek.
"You're cute when you concentrate" Sirius murmured with a grin.
Remus had to suppress a smile as he sighed to himself.
"You're being distracting and you know it" Remus said bluntly, trying to ignore how much he wanted to stop writing and relax into Sirius' arms.
Sirius chuckled as he rested his chin on Remus' shoulder again.
"Well I'd much prefer for us to spend time together than for you to study charms, '' Sirius pointed out and Remus reached up his hand to cup the side of Sirius' face that was just above his shoulder.
"I'm almost done i promise" Remus said and he felt Sirius kiss his hand.
"Well hurry up, I had an awful time in the rain and I need a cuddle," the dark wizard said. Remus could feel Sirius shaking from the cold and slowly shut his book, finally giving in.
He could practically feel Sirius smiling when he placed his books and parchment on his bedside table.

Remus turned his head and leant back, kissing Sirius softly. He heard James sigh from the other end of the room.
"Get a room" James teased "me and Pete are still single and you're being so sappy that it hurts"
"Jealous Potter?" Sirius teased back and Remus laughed, leaning back into Sirius' arms, feeling all of his muscles relax after hours of studying.
"Of how happy you two are, yeah a little" James admitted.
"You'll get Evans eventually mate" Sirius said and Remus and Peter both nodded.
"Yeah. Maybe" James said.
That night the marauders talked and joked until they all drifted off to sleep, Remus and Sirius always keeping their arms around each other and smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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