Chapter One (Summerleaf's POV)

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Summerleaf stood on the hoofholds in a tall breadnut tree, hiding, and watching the Jungle Herd army train while she ate the breadnut seeds. She wanted to be close to the action, having never been in a battle, or have gone to training before. Lavawing, the over-stallion of Jungle Herd said she was too small to fight properly. She wanted to go into the army, but she was four years old and still looked like a yearling.

Summerleaf plucked another breadnut and popped it into her mouth. She was too far away to hear or see them properly, but she could tell that right now they were practicing hoof-to-hoof combat. Her brother, Oakfeather was there, practicing, and that made Summerleaf jealous, because he was a year younger than she was. Both her parents and her granddam were there as well, and she felt left out. Maybe she could ask Oakfeather if he'd teach her what he learned, then she could show Lavawing that her size didn't matter.

"Summerleaf!" A voice called from behind, distracting her from her thoughts. She turned and saw her cousin Maplefeather flying up to meet her. Summerleaf nickered a greeting to the bay mare.

"Are you watching the army train again?" Maplefeather asked as she hovered next to Summerleaf. "Lavawing already said you can't join."

Summerleaf lowered her head and sighed. "I know, but-"

"Let me guess," Maplefeather interrupted. "Most of your family is in the army, and it's your lifelong dream. Am I right?"

"Yeah. I just want something exciting. The army can give me that." She looked at her runted body, frowning. "If only I was taller...."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You can still be a battle aide, or a medicine mare, or even a weaver." Summerleaf tried to speak, but Maplefeather held up her wing, shushing her. "I know those font sound exciting, but they still help the herd. Anyway, I was sent by Lavawing's captain to inform the army that the herd is having a meeting. It's a good thing I found you, because you should be there too."

Summerleaf groaned. Though the idea of a meeting sounded interesting, she wanted to stay and watch the army some more. "Fine. Do you know what the meeting is about?"

Maplefeather shrugged her wings. "No idea. They didn't say. I'm just the messenger." She looked towards the training army. "I got to go. I'll see you at the meeting!" With that, she took off towards the warriors and battle mares.

Summerleaf sighed. She wanted to help her herd, and be a hero, and have an exciting life, but she didn't know if she could do that. She stayed in the hoofholds, watching the army until Maplefeather reached the teaching captain. She said a few words to him, then he barked at the army and they all turned and started towards the center of the territory where the meeting was taking place.

She watched them until they disappeared into the trees, again wishing she could be among them, then she took off and followed them into the Jungle.

Summerleaf arrived at the meeting, just as Lavawing began speaking, and settled next to her brother, Oakfeather.

"Where have you been?" He whispered in her ear.

She hesitated, searching for something convincing to say. "Uh, I was practicing weaving baskets."

Oakfeather stared at her, obviously not believing her. "You hate weaving," he said.

"Well, I- um..." Summerleaf stuttered.

"Nevermind. Let's listen to what Lavawing has to say." The two siblings stood side by side and listened to their over-stallion.

"My captains and I have been debating on this for a while." The dark bay over-stallion stood proudly with his back arched as he spoke. "Our army right now, is one of the smallest in Anok with only twelve hundred warriors and battle mares, and we decided we need a change."

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