Demonic Presence

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Kais POV
I walked into Amar's room. "I made you coffee" i say. "Thanks mom" she says getting up. She still doesn't get much sleep. I walked into Leos room. She was sweating and jerking. She's having another nightmare. "Leo!" I say. "Ahh!" She says sitting up. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yea" she says breathing out. I walked into jasmines room. There's a big lump of covers of the floor with a red demon tail sticking out. Her tail is peacefully swaying. I shook the pile. "Wake up" i say. She groaned. "Get up before i wake up Cyrus" i say. She jumped up. I walked into Cyrus's room. I blew an air horn. She groaned. "Get up" i say. "I am" she groans. I do this because she never gets up. She told me to do it because she knows that she never gets up. "Ok girls time for school, go to the bus stop" i say. "Bye mom" they say and leave.

Leos POV
"Hey where are you going?" I ask. Jasmine is walking the wrong way. "I have someone picking me up" she says. "Who?" I ask. A white truck pulled up. "Ashley?" I ask. "Hey Leo!" She says. "Why are you picking her up?" I ask. "Bye" jasmine says and they get in the car. What the fuck?

Jasmines POV
I got in the truck. "So what did you wanna tell me?" I ask. "I have a crush" she says. "I'm listening" i say. "Its you" she says. Did she really just say that? "Really?" I ask. "Yes" she says blushing. "Ok" i say. "So... will you go out with me?" She asks. "Sure!" I say. I'm open to everything so ill try it. Ash is a good person and she's cute so ill try it.

We walked into school and sat down in the courtyard. My sisters showed up. "Why did you need to go with ash?" Cyrus asks. "She wanted to tell me something" i say. I looked across the courtyard at Ash. She smiled at me. "Uh ok?" Cyrus says. "Where's harper?" Leo asks. "She's coming with Harvey and Anna" Amar says. "Who is that?" Cyrus asks. I looked over. "Sunburst?" I ask. There's a tall girl with long brown hair and yellow horns and tail. She's a demon. That's definitely Sunburst. She's wearing sunglasses. She walked up to me. "Hey jaz" she says quietly. "What are you doing here?" I ask happily. "I need help" she says. "Sunny?" I ask. She hugged me. "Sunburst what's wrong" i ask. "My dad just died" she says. "I'm so sorry sunny" i say. Demons aren't immortal. "I don't have anywhere to go" she says. "Did you lose the house?" I ask. "Yea" she says. "You can stay with me sunny" i say. "Thank you jaz" she says. I cant see her eyes through the shades but i know she's trying not to cry. "I talked to your mom and she put me in this school" she says. "Ok" i say. She sat down on the floor and looked down. I looked at my sisters. Leo walked over to me. "We're gonna make sure she's ok" Leo says. "Thank you Leo" i say.

"So who is that?" Ashley asks. We're in class. "Her name is sunburst, she's my bestfriend" i say. "Oh..." she says. "Are you jealous" i ask. "A little" she says. "Ash i promise you that she doesn't like me that way. We're just friends and if you don't believe me than ask her" i say. "I will" she says. "Ok just don't be mean about it, she's going through something right now" i say. "You seem to like her" she says. "Eww" i say. She smiled. "I like you" i say. "I like you too" she says and kisses my forehead.

Sunburst has been distant all day. She hasn't cried but she wont talk. Its like she has no emotions. We're back home. "Do you wanna race?" I ask. "Not really" she says. She's definitely sad. She always wants to race. I sighed. I got up. "Where are you going?" She asks. "I have a date. Ill see you later ok?" I say. "With who?" She asks. "Her names Ashley" i say. "Ok ill see you later" she says. I walked out. "Leo can you watch sunburst while I'm out" i say. "Where are you going?" She asks. "On a date" i say. "With?" She says. "Ash" i say. "That's what she wanted to talk about?!" She says. "Yea and now i have to go" i say and leave.

Sunbursts POV
I laid on the floor. I don't wanna get up. My dad wasnt the nicest demon but i still loved him. My mother died when i was born. My father was all i ever had and now i have nothing. The door opened. "You can lay on the bed ya know" Leo says. "I don't wanna take jasmines space" i say. "She ends up on the floor every night so technically you are in her space" she says. I didn't move i just laid there. "Nothing? Ok" she says. She laid down next to me. She didn't say anything she just laid there. "What are you doing" i ask. "I'm laying down" she says. "Why? Don't you hate me" i say. "I used to" she says. "Why not anymore" i ask. "You need help, i thought you were gonna hurt my sister but now i can see that your probably the only good demon in hell" she says. "Thank you" i say. "Why don't you come sleep in my room" she asks. "Why?" I ask. "Jasmine is probably either gonna bring Ashley back or stay at Ashley's place" she says. "Ok" i say.

Leo let me sleep next to her. Jasmine stayed at Ashley's. I woke up to shaking. I turned around to face Leo. She was shaking and breathing fast. "Leo!" I say shaking her awake. "Ah" she says waking up quickly. "Did you get a nightmare?" I ask. "Yea, i always get nightmares" she says. "Oh" i say. She fell back asleep. I watched her. After about 5 minutes she started shaking again. I'm not gonna wake her up. I put my arm around her and wrapped my tail around her leg. She stopped shaking. I fell asleep.

Leos POV
I woke up with an arm around me and a tail around my leg. This is the first time I've waken up peacefully in 9 years. I turned around to find a sleepy demon. I used to hate her but now that i see her like this.... she's beautiful. Its Saturday so i don't have to get up. I pushed the hair out of her face. Her eyes slowly opened. "Hi" i say. "Hi" she says. She looked at her arm. "Is this ok" she asks. "Yea" i say. I curled into her chest and she tightened her grip on me. Why do i like this? I know that I'm gay but with a demon? I don't know what this is but right now i like being held in her arms.

"Leo do you still have my jack-" Cyrus says. I pushed sunburst away and sat up. "Uh ill come back later" Cyrus says and walks away. I sped to the door. "Wait Cyrus you cant tell jasmine" i say. "Tell her what? That you slept with her bestfriend that you said you hated" she says. "All we did was sleep!" I say. "Why shouldn't i tell?" She says. "Please Cyrus, i don't want jasmine to be mad at me" i say. "You owe me" she says. "Ok just don't tell her" i say. She walked away. I walked back to my room. "What was that about?" Sunburst asks. I shut the door. "Ok ill admit that i feel something for you but we cant tell jasmine, i don't want her to hate me" i say. "Ok but that might not be easy seeing as how we don't know who we can trust" she says. "Ok than we tell no one" i say. "What about Cyrus" she says. "I've got that covered" i say. She got up and walked over to me. "What makes you like me now?" She asks. "Your appealing when i pay closer attention" i say. She smirked and leaned down to me. She's taller than me. She kissed me. I put my hand on the side of her face. "Ill see you later" she says. "Yea" i say.

"Hey!" I say walking up to Cyrus. "Hello Leo" she says. "The deals off, we're not a thing and we never will be" i say sternly. "You're an idiot" she says. "Excuse me?" I ask. "I see the future dumbass. I knew this was gonna happen. As low as the odds were" she says mumbling the last part. "Please dont tell jasmine" i say. "I wont, thats something you need to do yourself" she says.

"Hey jaz" i say. "Hey Leo" she says. "How's your friend" i ask. "She's doing ok" she says. "And your girlfriend?" I ask. She laughed. "Ashley is great and i love her" she says. "That's good" i say. "Sunburst is gonna stay in the guest room" she says. "Ok" i say. I know where ill be spending my time.

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