Chapter 3

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Aoi's View

A few hours after Garret left I woke up, I checked the time and it was about 3:30 maybe. I got up and put on a pair of clean clothes since I'd been wearing these for about a week or so. I walked out to the kitchen. It was a difficult decision to decide what I wanted to eat, so I just went with a cookie.
I felt my eyes feel heavy and I slowly fall asleep.

Fuka's View

I and Lizzy were playing hide and seek tag. She was chasing me into the kitchen when I stopped in my tracks to see mommy sleeping standing up. Lizzy bumped into me and asked: "What's wrong?" I pointed at my mommy.
"This is what happens when Uncle Garret Isn't here." "Is he just sleeping standing up?" "Yes, and it's creepy..." We continued to run back to our room.

William's View

I walk out of my room to see Lizzy and Fuka run past me terrified. I walk into seeing what they ran away from and I see Aoi sleeping standing up? I decided to take him to my room since it wasn't too far. After I set him down on my bed, I pull up a chair and sit down on it. 'Why was he sleeping in the kitchen?' I look over to him and look into his eyes. His eyes have very big bags under them. 'Probably something about his sleeping issues...' I feel really bad for him honestly. I look over back to Aoi and him opening his eyes back up. His eyes meet mine. "Hi, Aoi..." I smile awkwardly. He got out of the covers and sat on the side of the bed."I fell asleep in the kitchen again, didn't I?" This has happened before. I was shocked. "Yes..." I look away. "I'm sorry, I bothered you..." "N-No, it's fine, Aoi." "Oh..." I was confused that Aoi wasn't going to a college by now.

"Shouldn't you be going to a college by now, Aoi?" He stays silent for a moment. "Garret thinks I shouldn't since my mental health is still unstable right now..." Now I regret asking him about it. "But, at least I can spend the time with you and everyone else." I blush from his comment. "How long have you been in therapy, Aoi?" I wasn't sure how long since he's 19 years old now and has been living with Garret for a while now."About 3 or 4 years now." I was shocked it's been that long. "I'm so sorry, Aoi." "It's fine, William." I felt bad about asking that so I tried to cheer him up. "If you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you." I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw him blush a little.

Micheal's View

I and Ennard had stayed in the vents for most of the time. "What are you doing?" I was sticking out my tongue. "I'm bored..." "Then go outside." I can't believe that I'm dating him. "Excuse me, but we can't go outside Spaghetti monster!" I shouted at him.

Lizzy's View

Since I and Fuka were so board, we decided to tie Chris up and play dress-up with him. He was wearing a light blue dress, a pink princess crown, and some heels. We heard the door open and it was Garret. He just stood there while Chris said: "Help me, Garret, they're monsters!" And with that, he walked away while saying: "I'm not dealing with this sh*t today..."

Garret's View

After seeing 'that', I went back into my and Aoi's room. I opened the door and didn't see Aoi in bed. I decided to change into my clothes. After changing, I went to look for Aoi. I looked in the bathroom and he wasn't in there. I checked the kid's bedroom and the other bedrooms, he wasn't there either. The last place I didn't check was William's room. I head to his room.

William's View

I and Aoi were just talking about the pizzeria when someone open the door. It was Garret, I guess his shift was over. "What happened?" He asked speaking suspiciously. "Aoi fell asleep in the kitchen..." I replied. "Aoi, how many times have I told you not to sleep in the kitchen?!" "Uhhh, 17?" He facepalms himself.
"Just go back to our room." Aoi gets up and walks out of the room to their room. "Thanks for taking care of him for me." He starts to turn around and walk out of the room but stops. "Oh and one more thing..." He stays silent for a second. "Stay away from him." His left eye turns red. I step back a couple of feet. "A word of advice." He walks out and shuts the door. I suddenly feel a shock of anger in me. 'Calm down, William. You can't kill him.' I fall to my knees. I just have to accept that he'll never like me.


Song: Just Friends-JORDY


Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for not posting for a while.

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