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"Funny, that sounds like the name of my owner" exclaimed Trixx

"That's because it is about her" I answered

"Okay... Everyone get ready to say HI ALYA!" I said opening my laptop and calling Alya


"Hi Alya" We all chorused

"Hey Marinette...wait first you tell me whether the kwamis are saying hi to me"

"Yup they are" I answered

Kwamis can't be seen or heard by electronic devices so last time I called Alya she only said hi to me and the kwamis got pretty upset and Alya didn't want to make the same mistake...

Alya's POV

From the time my cell phone ringed I knew the purpose of this call. Marinette had seen the picture. I never really wanted to post, I just keep it to make fun of her but after I received a post from one of my followers asking why I hadn't posted for a long time I knew I needed to post something before the game was up. And the photo gave me a catchy headline which would be enough to distract everyone for a few days.

Ever since Marinette told me she was Ladybug, I understood how she felt with all the weight on her shoulders

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Ever since Marinette told me she was Ladybug, I understood how she felt with all the weight on her shoulders. I started worrying that someone like Hawkmoth will find out her identity. I stopped posting much praying that my followers won't figure out that she is Ladybug by going through my research work which I posted on LadyBlog. I just wanted to be there for her whenever she needed me.

(Guys this book is based only after THE GANG OF SECRETS so if I missed any other points please understand)

I tried hard not to post something embarrassing okay I tried but as I said before the photo gave me a catchy headline which would be enough to distract everyone for a few days. I was hoping (praying) that she won't be online since she is well sick but sadly she was.

"Hey Kwamis" I yelled

I saw Marinette shutting her ears. They must be yelling back.

"Shh...Shh" whispered Marinette to the invisible creatures.

Then she turned to me.

"Did you by any chance-" she started

"See the photo online. Yes, I did. I posted it. And I know what your going to say next 'Oh Alya you shouldn't have posted that picture you know how fast rumors spread? Then they will start calling me Sneezybug or worst I may get akumatized and be called some horrid name like Skeeters *in high pitched voice*" I interrupted

"Well not what I was planning to say but yeah what you said was better only I don't speak like that," she said scowling

"Well you do especially when you start talking about Adrien," I said trying to support my point

"Alya!" she exclaimed

"I was just being truthful" I muttered back

Third Person (POV)

"Now watch out for here cames shoot 'em up action" exclaimed Barkk

"Shoot 'em up what??!" asked Marinette

"Shoot! who are you going to shoot?" shrieked Alya who only heard Marinette.

"Uhh...never mind Alya...I'm sorry (sneeze)" Marinette said sadly

"No it's my's your cold anyway?" Alya said remembering that Marinette had a cold

"Cava mal" she answered, "What about you?"

"Cold? Me? Sorry Sugar but Alya never gets a cold"

"But in the morning-" Marinette begun

"Ohh that!" she laughed, "So I come to school expecting a brand new start and sit down on my bench and then I noticed it covered with dust-like a lot of dust. So I start cleaning it and I come across this tiny dust particle and looked like you. so I kept it to show you bad things though. After you came in, it flew past my nose, and boom! I let out a sneeze. And then like everyone is staring at me and I'm like 'hello what's up? it's just a sneeze' and then all of a sudden everyone began sneezing and I was like ' man I should really file a report against the cleaners here' and then as soon as I come out of school, I'm fine again!"

"Wow! But my sneeze doesn't look like it came from just a dust particle (coughs)" answered Marinette, "One minute Alya, got to make sure the kwamis don't destroy my room"

"Okie! Hey, why don't we go to the doctor together? A winter day like this is the best day for friendship"

"Sure meet you at the Park" answered Marinette before she hung up the phone.


Sorry for the really short chapter >:

{ON HOLD} Love on Ice - Adrinette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now