Chapter Three - Interviews & Surprises

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There comes a time in everyone's life when they have choices to make.  One of the reasons why Madison wanted to make it big in gymnastics was because of where her family came from.  They were Jewish and her parents owned their own Jewish café called Cafe Falafel.  Her mom immigrated to Morgansville, New Jersey where she immigrated from Israel, met her dad and fell in love.  The rest is history.

Except Madison never wanted to work at her family's cafe. 

She did when she was younger mainly because they were the people who were flexible with her schedule.  Plus she wanted to make some money and she got to keep the tips she made so it was a nice job for a little.  But she never wanted to be one of those that took over the family business.  It's not that when she looked at her family's café she looked at it in disgust.  She actually thought it was really beautiful and was a beautiful and a symbol of hope that she too could make it big.

And she did.

Today they had some interviews to do with the team and then individual interviews.  Madison was thankful for this as it gave her an opportunity to be away from Coach Mark.

"Interviews are unfortunately apart of the job," Melanie said as she finished applying some makeup since they had an off day of practice.

"Hey, as long as it gets us away from Coach Mark, I'm all for it."

"You and me both," Melanie said laughing.  


"We are joined by the USA Olympics Women's Gymnastics team and I'm your host, Colleen.  I wanted to get to you Madison, because something that people may not know about you is that you are the only Jew on this team," Colleen said with a genuine smile on her face.

"I am, yeah," she said with a smile on her face.

"Can you tell us what it means for you or your family?"

"It's very special.  My mom immigrated from Israel to come to America because she wanted a better life for her and her future children.  It just means a lot to me and our community that I'm able to do this for everyone."

"That's so neat and now you guys are living the American dream."

"We truly are," Madison said agreeing with Colleen.

"Now, it's been in my understanding that you and your teammate who is also your best friend, Melanie Cole, have a little bit of a competition going on during the Olympics every year.  Care to elaborate?"

Madison and Melanie look at each other and laughed.

"Yeah, it's all friendly though," Melanie said speaking up.  "If anything it just makes us try harder. We see which one of us gets the highest score in each competition."

"Alright, alright," Colleen said laughing.  "We like a little friendly competition.  What would you girls say is the hardest out of all the competitions?"

"Vault for sure," Chloe said.

"Balance beam," Madison answered.

"Floor exercise," Natalie said.  "You have to nail every move perfectly."

"Balance beam," Lizzy said with a smirk.

"Vault," Melanie said.

What people didn't really know was that Madison and Lizzy didn't really get along.  Madison wasn't really sure what she ever did to her but it seemed like since day one she didn't like her.  Lizzy got along with everyone else but she wasn't sure why she singled out Madison.  They were all on the same team, weren't they?

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