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As Bingo woke up she saw a dark shadow. She followed it to a wall and the wall spoke to her and said "To... pass...into...the...hall...of...untold..

Mackenzie heard it and said "this is the entrance to the hall of secrets! I can't believe it's in this room, but we need to find the secret password or well just be wasting our time. Bingo said "maybe bluey can help." Than a other kid named Snickers said "I know what you are thinking. The only clue to open the door is, you can try to tell a lie, but with the truth you will go past the roof. Bluey came down stars and said " it's all clear now to enter the room you must tell a truthful secret." Bingo looked at her and said "where you listening to us the whole time?" Bluey said "only the part where bingo left to follow the shadow." Mackenzie said "that was all the parts." Snickers said "it might work ,but we need more clues. Meet me in about a week at the library at 12:40pm." The three said "OK" and left to go to class. Since they missed the last two class that had to go to those first. The first one was potions the three were almost late and the teacher said as they showed up"my name is richardson and today we are learning about a spell called "dizonxtion". It is used to make others dizzy and to make a quick escape. Now to make a one use of this potion, you will find it in page 10 of the potion making book for beginners, make sure you pay good attention to the instructions. This potion is simple so i expect good work from you." Bluey read the book carefully and she took her time. Bingo was trying to find out where to get ingredients. Mackenzie did his in a fast and accurate speed, due to his practice. At the end of the class Mackenzie was the best, so 10 points to red house. Bingo did a good job at hers. Bluey took a long time,but she got it eventually. The three left to their next subject, which was sports, they where learning how to play the popular game called forendish. As the three made it to the courtyard, the teacher said " my, my is it, or is it not the great bluey, bingo, and Mackenzie. How much of a surprise is it to see you three specifically together? " that looked at each other in wonder of what she was talking about, and bluey and bingo saw that Mackenzie knew something, but they were going to ask him later. After their talk the teacher blew her whistle and said "alright, today we are going to continue to learn the game forendish. You should know what the game is. Now yesterday I counted the ones who did not show up yesterday, so if I call you please step forward, Jack, Rusty, Bingo, Bluey, Jon'luc and Mackenzie. The six of you will be put to a test to see what position you will play in. The rest will practice on what is needed to play your positions." They all went walking through the field and into a forendish field on one side. It had a triangle on the other side. The same thing in the middle was a diamond with a square in the middle and a wand that looked a lot like bingos, but bingo didn't pay attention to it. Bluey thought it was odd. Mackenzie, he was scared for what he had to tell bluey and bingo when they got back to their room, but Bingo had another vision, and seen that the ground was glowing at that same spot in dark and rainy night, but before she could see who was in the light the whistle blown and the test was going to start. Bluey had a feeling that she was being watched, so looked around and saw that Jon'luc was staring at her and he waved his hand at her and went to the teacher. Bluey was worried that Jon'luc might like her so she had too much on her mind to focus on one thing. Bingo was amazed and said "this is just amazing." Mackenzie said to Bluey " Bluey I want to tell you something and... I never say this to anyone so please pay attention... I...I...I...I want to know if you will be happy to spend the evening with me." Bluey said "can Bingo come?" Mackenzie looked at her and said "I ment as a... you know." Bluey said " no, I really don't know what you are saying." "I want to know if you will go on a... with me." Mackenzie's cheeks were red and Bluey looked at him and said "I would love to go on a date with you." and kissed him on the cheek. Bingo got close to him and said " you did it Mackenzie! You finally asked her out the first three days you seen her!" Bingo said it in a happy and accomplished way. The teacher said "the rules to the game are simple. Get the ball to the others team goal. Easy right? Wrong!! It is not so easy the balk is not just a ball it is called a "wrinkdeler" it is like a balk but with a stick attached to it. You can kick it or you can hit it with this bat called monduk it looks like a Cricket bat, but this bat has magic inside of it, you can think of anything that would help you and it will do what you want it to do. Their is nine on each side the ball must not touch the ground or it is the other teams ball. The six on the field must keep the ball in the air. The two in the air must help the ball get to the goal. One on each team will block the goal from the ball getting in the goal. It will also include trick balls to get you confused with which one is the real one so pay attention to every thing that goes on." Bluey was put in front middle, bingo was put as back middle Mackenzie was put at left air, luc was put as right air jack was put at front left wing, and rusty was put at left back wing. Than thay had the rest of class as free time and Rusty went to Bingo and said "do you know that your grandfather played in a championship team for three years in a row?" Bingo said " really?" " just go to the trophy room and you will see." Jack came in the conversation and said "how do you not know?" Bingo said " in ever known anything about my family except for one I showed up hear." Than rusty said "well, if we find anything about your family well let you know." And they left in the distance bingo seen that Bluey was all alone on the bleachers and bingo went close to her and said "are you OK Bluey?" Bluey said "ya I am OK." Bingo asked again and said "are you sure?" Bluey said " no I am not OK bingo, Mackenzie asked me for a date tonight and I don't know what to say or to do, can you help me?" Bingo said "I can try ,but I never did it either so it's going to be hard. Bluey hugged her and said ''thank you."

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