19 | A Decoy?

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You called hazily, your mind slipping into madness, legs going numb from pain.

"Shut the fuck up," Fern applied pressure to the kunai, pressing slightly deeper into your back. "You'll make things harder than what it has to be." She spat her words down at you.

You glanced over at Kakashi for help, only to see him kneeled over the floor, his hands clung to his neck, and a disgruntled frown splayed his face

Before you could call out to him, to see what was wrong, Fern began dragging your limp body across the Throne Room. An agonizing pang ran through you so sharp, your mind completely off Kakashi. She was quick and efficient, no one had time to stop it, or to even notice the attack. Her olive green dress tainted with your red speckles

"why" you huffed a measly breath, brows furrowed with hate, and a sense of betrayal crept over you. The knife seem to have struck a nerve. This was beyond pushing through a regular scrape. You couldn't move.


You turn your head slightly as to see who the broken cry might belong to. Kakashi's eyes dark with concern, never breaking his gaze as he arose clumsily from the floor. He pried at his neck, ripping what you realized was a tranquilizer dart. He grunted, hurling the dart, discarding it to the floor, then began dashing his way to you

Fern glanced up. "Now!" She shouted, her piercing voice echoed through the Throne Room. Her voice commanding twenty, no forty, ninja, dropping from the ceiling vents as backup. It's getting harder to count as your vision blurs it together, at least 100 ninja surrounded him now.

"Tchh" He grit his teeth as he comes to a stop. His way to you is blocked.

Exhaling, he lowers his body, fixing himself into a defense position. You observe his thin, yet sturdy hands raise with caution, as he grips a kunai holding it just below his waist.

He has that look in his eye. The one that makes you glad you're not his enemy.

The ninja charge at him. With little strength he has left from the tranquilizer, he opts for the least energy consuming technique. He doges, and weaves through the heavily armored bodies, as if a leaf on a breezy autumn evening

The men crash into each other, their strategy uncoordinated. Kakashi takes advantage of this, shoving them into each other, their sharp weapons impaling each other. Wicked blood curdling shrieks emit from the ninjas contorted mouths, as they destroy each other.

It's a blood bath. Numbers drop from 100, to 60, then 20, Kakashi barely breaking sweat, with no need for any sort of ninjitsu. His hair shone faint flashes of silver each time he dodged a spear to the face.

It was ludicrous...how even now he looked good..

But somethings off about all of this...

Although there was still a Kunai lodged in your back, Fern wasn't attacking you outrageously. You both were still and tired, as you watched Kakashi eliminate an army, with themselves.

And even the men's attacks were uncoordinated, no plan of unison whatsoever. They were jonin, but it seemed they had no battle experience, only what they learned academically.

They're rookies...however that begs the question, Why the hell would someone send a bunch of low ranks after Kakashi? And why isn't Fern using this opportunity to kill me?

A distraction?

If 100 ninja are a distraction, what are they distraction for? What else is coming after me?

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