The man the myth the legend leroy jenkins and soup nazi

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Leroy - nora
Planner guy - Weiss
Numbers guy -Blake
Random dude - ren

Discord : the first video is about team rwby and jnpr playing a video game called world of Warcraft and them planning a mission

Weiss : alright guys these eggs have given us a lot of trouble in the past does anyone need anything off this guy

weiss: of course with me as the leader the plan will succeed

rby & jnpr : yep most likely "in a sarcastic tone "

Ren: I think Nora needs something form this guy

Weiss : but isn't she a pladin

Ren: that will help her heal better I have more mana

Jaune : why hasn't Nora responded to them

Discord: Nora is the one sitting down and she is afk

Jaune : what does that mean

Dokki : it means away from keyboard

Jaune : oh

Weiss: Christ alright I will run in first gather up all the eggs we can just blast them all down with aoe I will use intimidating shout to kind of scattered them so we don't have to fight all of them at once

Weiss:When my shouts done I need yang to come in and do the same thing to keep them scattered and not fight to many and then pryyha is gonna do the same thing we need divine intervention on are Mages so they can ae to get them down fast

Weiss:We will be in trouble if we don't get them down fast I think this is a pretty good plan we should be able to pull it off this time Blake can I get a number crunch real quick

Thermite : so all they are gonna do is run in a shout hell yea sound sweet

Good witch : they are gonna fail aren't they

Blake yeah give me a sec I am coming up with 32.33 repeating of course percentages of survival

ruby : that was fast Blake what are you a super computer or something

Blake : ruby I am surprised that I did that so fast

Weiss that's a lot better than we usually do-
"As Nora jumps up and says
Alright let's do this "
Weiss : ready guys
"As she runs straight into the arena "

"everyone jaw drops as some a crying tears of joy and some are think of how stupid Nora is as the screen shut off "

Discord : how did everyone think of that

Thermite: 10 out of 10 that was gold

Discord: alright next one this one is the soup nazi
Thatcher- soup nazi

Bandit- George

Pulse - jerry

"We open to see thatcher behind counter selling soup as bandit and pulse walk in weirdly "

glaz: thatcher you are selling soup and why are you two walking so weird

Thatcher : I don't know

Bandit: medium turkey chilli "as he scoots aside"
Rias: I can see he is scary but I don't get why they are acting like this
Pulse: medium crab bisque

" Thatcher pour the soup and give it to ash to package it as bandit take it and check the bag "
Bandit : I didn't get any beard

Pulse: just forget it let it go

sledge : what's the problem about that all he needs to do is ask for beard

Bandit : excuse me I didn't get beard

Thatcher : beard 3$ extra

Bandit : but everyone in front of me got free beard

Thatcher: you want beard 4$ !
mozzie: man mike you are being a ass now
Bandit : what

Thatcher: NO SOUP FOR YOU "he snap his finger and ash grab bandit bag and hand back his cash"
Everyone from rainbow : Jesus Christ
Everyone from dxd : holy Satan
Everyone from rwby: holy oum

Discord: fast as fuck that was and just so you guys know I am not choosing the videos I have a ai doing it
"As the screen fades to black

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