Wumbo fuze and the kasual kangz

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Discord: alright I am in this one with jaune, ren , Roman, playing the video game rainbow six siege it basically just your training just as a video game

Dokki: are we all in it

Discord: yea let's start

Discord- badger white

Ren - heavenly pink

Jaune - grouse yellow

Roman- goose green

Issei- bing red

Ren : Why is doc posted up like that

Discord: what is posted

Ren : he about to rob somebody for every baguette they have

Doc : it ain't that funny of a stance

Mozzie : mate it's funny but are you gonna rob them for every baguette

jaune : after watching the new trailer cav come get your mans doc posted up on a yacht

doc and cav blush while everyone turns and looks at them


Discord: you did

Ren : one little fight with a Brazilian women don't know how to act * thunk*

Ria : what did he just punch something

Issei : I think he punched his microphone

Discord : haha did you just punch your mic hahah what was that noise
Ren and jaune : hahahaha

Discord: oh I just remember something I was gonna show you something before hand

( skip the gridlock part )

Discord : did you guys see the cav elite skin
*showing a picture of the skin*
Ren: oh god

Hibana: whats a elite skin

Discord : it's a costume for your operator

Ren : YES MOM- uh uh I mean yes

Discord: hahaha

Cav: what * she starts to get mad *

Doc : claim down cav

Next A cav cosplayer is show

Cav cosplayer : she doesn't smile

jager: cav look you have something cosplaying as you
cav : that cool * still angry at ren *

Thatcher cosplayer : interrogation photo

Cav cosplayer : I guess I can do that  

Ren : that's how I sound when caveria at me in game

Cav : I am gonna kick his fucking ass

Cav cosplayer : get on the ground
* the thatcher cosplay lies down on the ground as the cav cosplayer get in place for the picture *

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