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a couple days passed, everything was going good. auction starts tommorrow, everyones really hyped up about it, i just hate how im going to pair up with feitan.

oh yea, chrollo assigned everyone in pairs of two, for half of the time feitan was going to stay with me hours before the auction starts, chrollo said something about a room full of stoners and keep them on a close eye, you get the idea..

i didn't really pay attention to the second half of the part, so im really clueless right now. oh well, it doesnt matter.

my thoughts were shut down as feitan wanted to discuss the plan with me, I went off of my bed and went to his bedroom.

"okay! so, you mind telling me what chrollo was talking about, i really didn't pay attention." i scratched the back of my head, feitan face palmed.

a couple minutes went by and feitan finished the disscusion with me, "so the stoner area, what do we do there?" i was rocking back and fourth.

"we have to pretend as if we're a couple, i know its disgusting but it helps us keep track of everything because theres a camera room inside." feitan explained

"i seriously hope i dont have to do any psyical things with you." i fake gagged, i seriously dont wanna know about this.
"well is that it?" i asked.

"we have to practice." he moved closer.

"what n-" i was cut off...


bodygaurd- feitan x readerWhere stories live. Discover now