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Phinks walked out and opened the door on my side, i got out and noticed that we aren't near where we are supposed to be.

It started to rain, lightly. the smell of rain was so, beautiful. in words I cant describe, it reminds me of someone.

feitan had an umbrella and only put it above himself, he scoffed looking at the two of us.

Phinks and I started getting wet, he grew angrier.

"Hand it over gremlin." Phinks took the umbrella and put it on all three of us, we then started to walk.
"It's a couple blocks ahead of us." Phinks resumed.

It feels like i've been working with them forever, although it had only been a month in.

Feitan and I have started a mutual friendship throught the month that i've been here, he'd let me borrow things when I needed it. I'd also return the favor, he and I went on missions by ourselves, torturing people.

Yea he still does hate my guts, but at some scenarios i begin to question that.

I don't hate him, but i dont like him either. I don't know, his personality just changes every damn day. hes grumpy, then cranky, then annoying, then just... nice.

Feitan noticed I was zoning out quickly, he wondered what I was thinking about. the more he stared it startled me back into my reality, he looked away instantly. trying not to get caught.

The silence was real, Phinks minded his business, Feitan and I just had this uncomfortable tension.

That's when we were all startled, gunshots were fired.

Feitan and Phinks separated from me, I think it is my time to spot another team.

In the distance, I saw pakunoda, shizuku and nobunaga all shooting the gaurds at the enterance, screaming and shouting. glad for the audience being underground or we would've died.

They seemed to be handling it well, I slipped through the doors, and well. It was really fancy. There was a stairway to the underground auction, i held onto the railings.

My shoes made a clack sound everytime my shoe made contact with the floor.

it seemed like an endless stairway, the darkness surrounded me.

I stopped, hearing muffled music. the buyers always party before and after the auction.

The first party is always chatting about the auction items, after they just show it off.

That's our queue to kill them and get the auction items.

I heard faint footsteps, but they were more audible each time. I didn't have anywhere to hide. It's probably a gaurd or a-

"i lost phinks, he hooked up with women again." Feitans soothing voice calmed me down.

I snorted, dying out once feitan began speaking again.

"we have to hook up with them too, if we wanna act like the weak buyers here."

"im not doing that." I cross my arms and looked away.

Feitan reached to turn on a light, but he snapped back and hid the both of us into an unoccupied room.

He put his hand over my mouth, my back laying onto his chest.

He huffed, then letting go of me.

"what was that about?!" I whispered yelled at him.

"someone walked by." feitan stared blankly at me.

"so what if they do?" I grew confusion.

He didn't answer me, instead he went to the main room where the rest are partying.

I followed behind him, entering a little later than he did.

I stopped at the bar, sitting down on one of the stools. I fixed my voice to a deeper pitch. finally relaxing, I asked a bartender for one shot of tequila.

"coming right up." the bartender smiled, turning around and pouring the drink into the tiny cup.

"hey sweet piece." a lady had came up to me, her seductive voice showing their true colors. her smile was easy to fall in love with, her lipstick was a tad bit smudged, probably from... doing things with men.

"hello, sugar." i continued. i cringed, my whole insides were uncomfortable from what i had just said. shifting around abit. she sat on the stool next to me.

"are you free after the auction." she kept that smile, winking.

"i have a girlfriend." i spoke without thinking. i instantly regretted that, i grew nervous.

"shes not here is she?" the woman more and more interested in speaking to me.

"no she isn't." I gulp.

"great, then she wouldn't mind if i have him for the night." she winked again.
she giggled. "my name is kam."

I stared at her.. oh my gosh. whats gunna be my fake name...

"quiet speaker huh. i like that." she laughed again.

the bartender had given my drink. he looked over to kam, "oh and please give me 1 shot of..."

I squinted so hard, my vision... what's going on? it soon passed but it remained in my head.

i couldnt see or hear for a second.

"I gotta use the bathroom." I rushed off trying to find where the restroom is located.

inside, i was met with phinks making out with a really... really fine lady.

there it happened again.

my vision, it blurred my hearing. it tinged all around.

this time it didn't stop.

phinks led the lady out of there since he wanted more privacy with her.

i hit the wall and was smacked to the ground. i curled up, my knees closest to my chest.

it felt like i was gunna die, my head was pounding so hard, my ears were making that weird ringing noise.

I felt hands onto me. I didn't know who's but they were smooth. were they trying to say something?

It all stopped, i took deep breathes.

"what the hell was that?!" feitan cussed me out in chinese.

Oh boy, i definitely know what it was now..

"bartender poisioned me. when i wasnt looking he had must've put some." i sighed.

hands over my eyes, i began to feel worthless in my job.

"atleast you're okay, stay with me for the rest of the time, auction is starting soon, so lets hangout here."  he sat right next to me.

"a lady came up to me, she was definitely flirting." i laughed.

sniffling i looked at feitan.

we had both made eye contact, tension grew.

inches apart, soon closed in.

bodygaurd- feitan x readerWhere stories live. Discover now