Chapter 1. Life As A Talbot Regulator

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My POV: it was a beautiful day when Lillian and I woke up we got up Connie helped Lillian get ready while Melvin helped me get ready once we were ready we went downstairs for breakfast most of the staff was going about their every duties the only ones that were at the dining table were the Regulators on the right were Richard Brewer he is the foreman sitting next to him was Josiah Gordon Scurlock he was a gentleman who loved to read and write Poetry across from Richard and Josiah were Steve Stephens he always chewed a lot Lillian never did like that nor did Fanny or Emma or even Mrs Cox for that matter Nelson and I have tried to get him to break that habit without success sitting next to Steve was Charlie Bowdry he was good young man who always had a sense of humor and always enjoyed fighting with his fists he was alright with gun but he was more good with fighting with his fits sitting next to Charle was Jose Chavez Y. Chavez or Chavez as he always like to be called I was only one who called him by his first name everyone else called Chavez he was a young man with long black hair and brown eyes he was a mixture of Mexican and Navajo his mother was a Navajo woman and his father was a Mexican war veteran who died when Jose was very young Jose had been through a lot though when he first came here he had lost his entire family and it took awhile for him to slowly move on but we were grateful for that sitting across from Jose was William H. Bonny or Billy as he liked to be called he was the youngest Regulator he was 17 years old when he came here after his parents were killed he is a good kid and a hard worker as well as very loyal as all the Regulators and the Talbot Family staff were and Lillian and I were grateful for that when Lillian and I walked dining room we were greeted by and the Regulators

Good morning Lord Talbot and Milady Nelson greeted

Good morning Nelson Lillian replied sitting down at the head of the table between Billy and Jose

Yes good morning Nelson and good morning gentlemen I added

Good morning sir Richard said on everyone's behalf

So how are things going? I asked

Everything is going good so far but Billy seems to be slacking a little Richard replied giving a glaring look towards Billy

Richard do not be glaring at Billy he is new here and he has been a lot just give him time to adjust I said taking a couple of sips of my coffee

Richard nodded and finished his breakfast once breakfast was made the Regulators went about their daily duties Lillian decided to go into town for a little while and I was outside getting some fresh air I was sitting in a beach chair by the pool my dog Samson was resting by the chair as I was trying to relax I heard yelling I was baffled by the yelling then again I had a feeling that it was probably Jose and Steve fighting again they would always fight with each other I walked over and sure enough just as I suspected it was Jose and Steve fighting

Cut me there Mexican come get me Navajo Steve taunted

That is enough Steve I said getting between them

He started it Jose said

It does not matter Jose that does not mean you should react like that look just ignore what Steve is doing alright I said

Alright fine Jose replied

Thank you and Steve no more picking Jose please I said turning to Steve

Fine but don't think I'll like this Mexican greaser Steve said spitting his tobacco out

Steve do not call anyone names I warned

Steve rolled his eyes and both of them went back to work I noticed that Billy was having a harder time I had decided to talk to him Lillian finally returned and we had dinner it was quiet at dinner which worried both Lillian and I I saw Billy poking at his food so I cleared my throat to speak

Billy is everything alright? I asked

Yes sir I'm just really tired and still missing my parents Billy replied

That's no reason to slack off when we got work to do Richard replied harshly

Richard let me handle this I said firmly

Billy if there is anything you need anything at all please let me or Lillian or one of the other staff members know and we will do everything we can to help you alright I said

Alright thank you Mr Talbot Billy replied

You are welcome Billy I replied

After dinner was over it was time for bed the Regulators went out to the bunkhouse and the Talbot family staff such as Nelson and Mrs Cox went to sleep in the servant quarters and Lillian and I went to bed in the master bedroom I was reading as Lillian was climbing into bed

I hope Richard is not being too hard on Billy Lillian said

I will make sure that he is not too hard on the young man I replied

And we have to do something about Jose and Steve fighting Lillian added

I know darling we will figure something out do not worry I reassured her

Lillian smiled happily at me and we kissed and turned out the lights and went to sleep it was an interesting day on the Talbot family estate and I would not have it any other way but trouble was soon going to be brewing and we did not know it

Alright here is chapter 1 I'am sorry it took me so long to write it but here it is so I hope all of you will enjoy it thank you and that will all for now

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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