Chap 7: The Knowledge of Werewolve family

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It's been 3 month seen Shinichi knew that he is pregnant. And it's because of he carrying a werewolves child, he get to learn something knew about werewolves pregnancy. When they knew that they'll have a kids, Kaito immediately tell this great news to his mother and Chikage was delighted went she hear it.

She pull Shinichi and drag him with her to her room and she talk about the werewolves pregnancy are about. Apparently when werewolves pregnant, their just take 3 or 4 months until the baby due. When the baby is born, they will be look like a wolf cub until 1 month the baby will take they human form.

When Chikage show to Shinichi the photo on the day Kaito was born, the photo shows him the brown wolf cub with messy fur in the crib. Shinichi mentally cooed went he saw the baby wolf form of Kaito and feel curious how he look like when he transform into grown wolf. When Kaito come inside seeing what their doing? He snatch the album and complaining on his mother for showing this to his mate.

While the mother and son arguing, Shinichi rub his bulging belly showing that his baby is growing inside him. He can't wait to see what they look like. He had no doubt the baby will look like mix of him and Kaito because they look the same. Will they take after him as detective? or will they take after Kaito as magician thief?

That the think he always thinking in those 3 month. His belly getting bigger showing that he's really pregnant and his body felt more heavier than usual. It is because of this he can't go outside anymore and the time for him to give birth to his child is getting close make him felt scare that something will happen if he go outside. So that's why Kaito would always help taking care of him, buy groceries and cook for him. But sometimes when he crave something, Kaito is the one would go get it for him and the baby.

Kaito pov

While Shinichi spending his time in the house, Kaito is having the hard time to redempt about how he suppose to tell Aoko about his relationship with Shinichi. She keep pestering him for want to meet his boyfriend, to make sure he didn't lie about he already having an relationship with someone when Aoko tried to matching him with her friend.

He want to introduce his mate to Aoko but right now is not the right time to do it because Aoko didn't even know about his family history and Shinichi having his child right now. It will be hard to explain everything to her, having a werewolf childhood friend and knowing male pregnancy is exist. It will be hard to take in at once. Maybe he should tell her about his family history first and after that he will told about Shinichi when she can take the news greatly.

Maybe he should remake the story about Shinichi thou. So the secret about Conan don't expose. Right now he just need to focus on Shinichi and his child. He pick up his groceries after he done buying what he needed and walked to his and Shinichi's home.

When he came home, he heard Shinichi scream but the scream is kinda wolf language. "Ahhhh!!" shout Shinichi upstairs. Kaito drop the groceries on his hand and run straight to where his pregnant mate is. When he stop at their bedroom, he saw an beautiful pregnant black coffee direwolf on their bed.

The wolf notice his presence and look up with panic. "Kaito what's going on? What happen to me?" Bark the wolf but Kaito can understand him. "Shinichi? Is that you?" The wolf look at him with scowl on his face. "Of course it's me you idiot. Now hurry up and do something. Ow" when Kaito heard the whining on his mate, he hurriedly go to his mate side.

"Are you alright? What's wrong? Did you hurt somewhere?" ask Kaito in concern. Shinichi can felt the concern in his lover voice and look at his face that shows so much care and love. "I'm alright, don't worry Kaito. It just the baby kicking." said Shinichi try not make Kaito worried about him to much.

When Kaito heard that, his face turn from concern to relief that turn to excited. "Really? Can I feel it?" ask Kaito excitedly while putting his head on Shinichi already big belly. Shinichi just snicker at Kaito antic. Then he feel the baby kicked him again but this time is more stronger than before make him whined.

Kaito when he felt the kick he getting excited but when he heard the whining from his mate, he felt concern and start to rub his mate big belly. Then he remember back what happen earlier and look at Shinichi's wolf form closely.

He kinda admits that his mate still look beautiful even thought he in that form. But he tried to think what makes his mate turn like this but he can't came up of something. "Shinichi" call Kaito and in respond Shinichi look at him. "When this is happen?" ask Kaito look at his mate up side down. Shinichi look at Kaito and then at himself and look back at his lover. "I don't know. When I wake up, I'll already like this." replied Shinichi felt worried of this change of form, fear that this will harm him and his child.

Kaito hummed and nodded, he take out his phone and dial his mother number to call her. When he heard the other line pick up the phone and heard his mother voice, he start to spoke.

[Moshi-moshi, Kaito? Do you need something?]

[Hello Kaa-san. Ah yes, I want to ask you something.]

[Oh, what is it? It is about Shinichi-kun pregnancy?]

[Yes, Kaa-san it is about Shinichi. He's suddenly turn into wolf when his sleeping. Do you know something?]

[Ah, it's starting already? I didn't realize how fast the times is]

[What do you mean? It something will happen to him and the baby?]
Said Kaito in panic and worried, Shinichi look at him still on the phone raise his wolf eyebrow in confusion.

Chikage chuckle at her son knowing that he really care about his mate to much that he will always think about something unnecessary thing. So she decide correct her son before he starting to panic again.

[No silly, when an submissive werewolf is pregnant, they will turn into wolf in about a month before they giving birth. It is because it was for them to giving birth more easily and painlessly more than real human pregnancy. So Shinichi-kun due date is getting close that's make him turn into one. Don't worry thou, when he giving birth he will turn back after nursing the child. I'm also like that when I having you, so tell your mate that is gonna be alright. When the time for him to birthing, call me alright?]

[Is that so? Alright, thank you Kaa-san. Don't worried to much and I will call you again alright?]


Then she hang up the phone, Kaito put his phone down and smile at his mate. He sit beside him on the bed and ruffle Shinichi's fur. "It's alright, you just change because it's almost your due time" said Kaito patting his mate fur softly.

Shinichi raise his eyebrows still didn't understand what Kaito said. Kaito saw it that Shinichi still confused, so he explain what his mother told him. Shinichi listen what Kaito told him carefully and felt relief that he won't felt the same pain as normal pregnancy do.

While Shinichi is relieved about his pregnancy, Kaito is enjoying stroking his mate fur. Shinichi's fur is silky and fluffy, he can't stop doing it, because this is only the time he can felt Shinichi fluffy and silky fur.

Shinichi look at Kaito that still stroking him, he enjoy it and it's make him more relaxed. It because of his pregnancy, he starting to feel sleepy. Kaito saw his mate is dozing off, he patting his head softly. When Shinichi already asleep, Kaito take the blanket and cover him and leave the room.


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