Chap 10: The Start of New life

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A week later after Shinichi and Kaito introduced Daichi to Ran and Aoko, it's time for Shinichi to come back too his school day. But with the Teitan high school didn't permit for him to graduate the same year as Ran and Kaito unless he change school then he can have a chance to graduate with everyone the same age as him. So that what Shinichi do, he decide to change too Ekoda high school.

The reason of him choose that school is because 1) Kaito insistent him too so he can look after him at school mostly to make sure no guy would tried to make a move on him (Kaito possessiveness can be annoying sometimes) 2) no one would look after Daichi when his gone for school so living at Kuroba resident with Kaito's mother that can look after their son is help a lot 3) he don't want to stay separate with Kaito to long and miss him dearly of course he would never admit that to anyone about it though.

Right now he had his medical check up with Haibara to check on his health condition after his pregnancy. Haibara want to check if the side effect of the Apotoxin still in him or not after he give birth to Daichi. Of course Kaito come with him to hears the situation and also worried about his mate health and let Ran to look after their son.

"Well, Kudo-kun. It's look like your health is stabilize now but I doubt it will be last long with how you always neglect your meal and too busy with your child and with now you starting your school. But...I wouldn't be worried about that anymore, knowing that your boyfriend would keep you in good condition, moreover you'll be living with him and your-in-law, I won't be waste my word to much in that. Other than that, you still have a womb in you but it still healing so I'd advice you that do not engage with sexual activities yet until I give the permission to do so. Do you two listen to me?"

Haibara explained to the couple with stern and seriousness in her voice. Shinichi and Kaito nodded wildly telling her their listening. Knowing what will happen if they got into her bad side, they just listen to her. "Also about your heat cycles, I'd already talk to Chikage-san about this and with how you got unexpected heat 5 month ago, your heat will be unstable and got yourself into pre-heat from what the blood tests say you should go into heat around 3 months from now after your womb is healed completely. You should feel the scent glands start to form and then swell a week or so before your heat, you'll get cramping from your womb forming again, it'll be far worse than what is usual since omegas or whatever you guys call submissive wolf are normally born with a womb, so I'll give you some pain meds to take one a day and I will be checking for that."

Just for that explanation Shinichi shudder and give a death glare at Kaito for the pain he would endure in the future. Kaito just chuckle nervously beside him felt the threat coming with those glare. "Secondly, you must let your cycles level out before we can put you on suppressant -this isn't something that can be ignored Kudo-kun."

Shinichi sigh and nodded, hands dropping back into his lap. Haibara huffed and finished with the blood samples turned back to her computer. Shinichi don't know what he should think about his upcoming heat, the last time he got into heat, he don't get so much though into it and just let Kaito handle it everything for him, he don't have anything else to think about other than worried.

With him having an ability to conceive is scared him but at the same time happy that he can give Kaito a big family. Kaito just rubbed his mate back in comforting manner and give a soft smile at Shinichi, "Don't worry, Shinichi. I'll be by your side when your heat comes. Having a scent of family or a mate will help you through it is even better," said Kaito with a grin on his face.

Shinichi narrow his eyes in suspicious on the statement his mate told him, "I don't know what your planning about, Kaito. But...just had to warn you that, make sure you use a protection or I'll cut your dick if you get me pregnant again or I will have Ran kick you for that," warn Shinichi release a bit his Killing intents to show that he mean what he said, well it's not like he really mean it though, just what to scared his fiancé for once awhile.

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