01. burning bodies (one-shot)

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WRITTEN BY: RavenTRIGGER WARNINGS: Implied Murder, Implied Rape

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Implied Murder, Implied Rape.

STORY NOTES: This story was originally written in my English class as an assignment. The assignment being to take our favourite short story and writing it in our own style (so there are obvious plot similarities!). I used the characters of TTEOTS for mine and have decided to publish it here! It's based off 'Burning Meat'! Also, Raven is a pen name, not my actual name! I had to give them original names, so here they are:

Zero - Jeon Jae-Ho
Five - Ko Daehyeon
Eight - Park Taehyun
Six - Jung Remy
Three - Ko Jae-Jin
Four - Vincenzo Kang
Nine - Kim Nabi


"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing us that there was only one of him."


Jae-Ho awakes to the smell of something burning, absolutely unpleasant and charring.

The smell is odd, he figures. Why? Not only is it past midnight but it's such a peculiar, vomit-inducing smell that Jae-Ho scrunches his nose underneath his heavy blanket. At first, Jae-Ho decided to ignore the hideous smell and bury his face in deeper into his floral-scented blanket, but then the stupid smell wafts through his blanket. 

So he rolls out of his safe and warm burrito blankets, and slams his face onto the floor.

He staggers upwards, drowsiness filling every crack of his body. He rubs his gas flame-blue eyes sleepily, knuckling them so that some sort of sense seeped into his brain. He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror; mamba-black hair sticking about messily, and Jae-Ho laughs knowing that if Raven were here — if she got better — she'd laugh at him for how utterly stupid and adorable he looked like this.

Jae-Ho shakes off the thought of Raven. He'd get sad thinking about what happened to his friend.

He rubs his face and stumbles towards his balcony. He realises dully that he must've left his balcony door open, hence the horrible smell being able to enter his humble abode. He sees that the apartment in front of his also has their balcony door open, and his eyes land on a bunch of boxes stacked around messily around the balcony door.

"Ah," he says, understanding that this must be the new neighbour that had just moved in.

Jae-Ho's voice rasps and deepens as he calls out for the neighbour. "Hello? Hello? Neighbour?"

A clatter of metal pots and pans falling down — a sound Jae-Ho recognises well, from the amount of times Raven would drop pots and pans — then an inhumane screech of terror follows right after. Then the footsteps of someone running, heavy and hard and panicked, and then... And then, a young man stumbles through and is leaning heavily against the balcony banister, breathing heavily.

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