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Afternoon next day~

Mason: some of the boys and their girls are going to a party tonight, you and Phil should come. Great to clear the air

Me: wonderful idea, I'll speak to him about it

Mason: perfect, hopefully see you then, bye.

Me: bye x

I walked downstairs into the garden, Phil was playing some football and practicing his freestyles. "Hey." He said eyes still on the ball. "Sorry disturbing you but Mason told me that." I said to him. Phil sighed. "Let me finish." "He told me that we should go to a party and clear the air you know." I continued. "Cool." Phil replied. I sat down on the steps and watched Phil do some football.

Me: hey, we'll be there x

Mason: great x tonight at 10pm

"Phil get ready for 9:30." I said. "What are you gonna wear." Phil asked me in the middle of his kickups. "Obviously a dress, maybe my new one." I said. "What dress?" Phil said confused. "Come I'll show you and I'll pick out an outfit for you." I said walking upstairs. I went into my  walk in wardrobe and scanned through my dresses. I pulled out a silk dress which was about half way up my knee. It was white and had ruches on the sides. "Look." I smiled at Phil. "I like that." Phil said grabbing the dress.

I went to his room to pick out an outfit, his wardrobe was horribly messy and filled with football stuff and tracksuits. "Do you have any stuff apart from tracksuits." I sighed. Phil laughed. "Wear this Adidas tracksuit, you'll match me." I said. "I'm gonna wear my black comme des garçons." I said. "I was just gonna wear my airforces but fair enough." Phil chuckled. "You can't wear Adidas and Nike, wear your yeezys."

Later that night~

It was 9:20 and Phil and I where about to leave. I was wearing my white silk dress with my hair out and my converse. Phil was wearing an Adidas tracksuit with white yeezys. Phil drove us to the party in Sanchos house. "Hey, come in." Marcus welcomed us in. The room was crowded with footballers and their girlfriends. I saw a group of girls so I decided to walk up to them, I had informed Phil of this and he went to talk to his friends. "Hi I'm Y/n." I smiled to the group of girls. They all where so welcoming and introduced themselves to me. One of the girls was really friendly to me. "You and Phil are so cute together." She told me. "Thanks so are you and Mason (Greenwood not Mount)" I replied. "Shall we get an alcohol slush?" I asked her. "Of course!" She exclaimed. We giggled and locked hands. As I was pouring my slush form the machine Harriet tapped my shoulder. I looked at her with a confused expression. She was pointing in a direction with a shocked expression. I turned around to see Phil making out with another girl.

(Play song)

I walked up to them to clarify it was Phil. I was a few feet away from them, sure it was him. "What the fuck." I said whilst dropping my slushy on the floor. Phil stopped kissing her and turned around to me, he didn't know what to say. "I- I." He stammered. "I-I wowww." I said mimicking him. "Girl I swear-" the girl he was kissing said. "No what you can do is shut the fuck up." I yelled whilst punching her in the face. The girl fought back, dragging my hair. I felt someone pull me from the behind. I tried to get free but their grip was to strong. "Get off." I struggled to kick. I was now sitting in the bathroom with that person.

"Mason?" I said tilting my head. "Are you hurt?" Mason (Mount) said whilst putting my hair behind my ears. "I'm fine." I cleared my throat and fixed my posture. "Thanks for stopping me before I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GIRL." I went from nice to angry. "Shh." Mason said pulling me into a hug. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Why." I sobbed. "I thought he loved me."

"I'm sure he has an explanation." Mason reassured me. I came out of the hug and mason wiped my tears with his thumb.

All of a sudden Phil bursted in. "Oh so it's bad when I kiss a girl but your kissing Mason 5 minutes later. The boy you told me not to worry about." He exclaimed. "I didn't even kiss him! Plus you started it." I yelled back. "I hate you so much." I said tearing up. I walked out the bathroom forcefully pushing him out my way. Mason ran after me but Phil just stood there.

I ran out of the party pushing last everyone, no matter who they where. Since Phil drove here I had no ride back. I was walking wherever my head felt like going. As I was walking I felt dizzy and nauseous. I put my hands out to grab something but nothing was around me. I felt to the floor hitting the hard concrete ground.

"Y/n! Y/n! Are you awake?"

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