I: The Wolf Pack

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As she walked deeper into the forest with her pet sparrow Nellie, Princess Malia got her bow ready. Suddenly, her foot got caught in a vine, causing her to dangle from her ankle. "Are you kidding me?!", she said as she swung around with the vine around her ankle. She knew she was lucky she came to Kilkenny with clothing other than one of the well designed dresses she was used to wearing back home in Connacht, the kingdom she was the crown princess of. At that moment, she saw a wolf walking over to her. "Don't you dare touch me!", she said as the wolf got closer to her. He jumped up and bit her ankle loose from the vine before using his teeth to drag her by her clothing right back to the wolf pack's den and Nellie followed him. There, he ordered two other wolves to restrain her and she felt her arms being grabbed before he walked over to her and she screamed when Dimitri bit her arm. He then removed his teeth from her arm and the two wolves released her, after which she bolted from the pack's den and didn't stop running until she wasn't anywhere close to the den. Nellie flew straight after her and followed her back to Kilkenny, where they made their way to the house she was staying in. That night, as she slept peacefully in her bed, Malia turned into a wolf, after which she made her way back to the forest, where she finally met Dimitri, who introduced her to the rest of the wolf pack. "Could you please do us a huge favor?", Glenn asked her. "Sure!", she replied. "Thanks. Our leader, Queen Kaila, hasn't come back from looking for a new home for all of us and we're starting to suspect she was captured by Fletcher and his soldiers.", he explained and told her they wanted Kaila to be rescued. The following night, Malia infiltrates his manor and finds the very cage their queen was in before switching right back into her human form and looking up at the bars. "Are you Queen Kaila?", she asked aloud when a female wolf appeared. "Yes.", she answered. "I'm Princess Malia of Connacht.", she told her. "You're the western kingdom's princess?!", she asked in disbelief. "Safe to say, yes.", she replied before the doors opened and she hid behind the cage as he walked over. "Malia?!", Fletcher said aloud in disbelief when he saw her right behind Kaila and she revealed herself to him with pure hearted hatred for him. "Go to the forest and tell my son to lead the pack to safety, Malia!", Kaila said to her. "Dimitri told me he and the rest of the pack won't leave the forest without you, Kaila!", she replied before revealing her wolf form to both of them. "I see. You're now capable of turning into a wolf like she is.", Fletcher said. "I'll come back for you later with the rest of the wolf pack, Kaila!", Malia told her before she ran out of his chambers in her wolf form. After making it out of town, she ran all the way back to the pack's den, where she then confirmed their suspicions about their queen's capture by Fletcher and his soldiers. "Tomorrow evening, I'm going to lead all of you straight to Kilkenny because I intend to reveal my true identity to the townspeople in my human form.", she told them. "Do you also hope to rally them against Fletcher and his soldiers by exposing him for the tyrant he is?", Hilda asked her. "Yes, I do.", she replied. The following evening, Fletcher presented the captured Kaila before the people of Kilkenny. "This-", Fletcher's speech was cut off by Malia's voice shouting out his name and the townspeople turned around as she ran right up onto the platform and reverted back into her human form in front of the townspeople. "Citizens of Kilkenny! I am Princess Malia of Connacht! The wolves Fletcher wants dead are not to be feared! I know this because I've met the whole pack for myself!", she said to them aloud before she turned right to Fletcher and pointed her finger at him. "Fletcher thinks the wolves' capabilities are a result of witchcraft, but he's wrong!", she said before Dimitri joined her on the platform. "I will never allow you to hurt my mother again, you murderous lord!", he told Fletcher as Malia unlocked the cage and freed Kaila from her restraints. Fletcher let out a laugh."Princess of Connacht. As the daughter of King Russell, do you really think I'll go easy on you?", he asked her, but she pointed her silver lance straight at his throat as a warning for him not to mock her because she was both heir to the throne and the ferocious warrior princess of Connacht. Suddenly rather angry with her, Fletcher calls forth his soldiers, but the furious townspeople began to fight with them, allowing Malia to follow Fletcher into his manor, where she corners and kills him in his chambers after a rather long battle. After this, she walked out of the manor and returned to the platform, on which she confirmed the lord's death by holding up his sword, after which his soldiers surrendered and were imprisoned in the manor to be punished for their loyalty to the tyrannical lord on her orders. The next day, Malia returned right to Connacht with Nellie to prepare for her upcoming coronation. On the very day of her coronation, Dimitri, Kaila and the other wolves surprised her in the garden's greenhouse. "What are you doing here?", she asked them. "After you left Kilkenny to return to your homeland with your pet sparrow, we began to miss you deeply, so the townspeople gave a compass to us so we could find our way here.", Ingrid explained to her. Malia's father called out to her. "King Russell.", Kaila said in recognition before she walked right out of the greenhouse and led Russell inside. "It's time for your coronation, Malia. Please come back inside.", he told her and she followed him into the castle. "Don't let this chance go to waste, Dimitri. Give her your request.", Kaila said to her son before he made his way into the castle to give Malia his request. After the coronation, they surprised the other people in the throne room, allowing Dimitri to ask Malia for her hand in marriage, which she accepted because they had fallen deeply in love during their time together in the forest outside of Kilkenny, after which Russell handed his crown right over to him before Dimitri married Malia, which made Russell his very own father-in-law. With King Dimitri and Queen Malia now ruling over the entirety of Connacht, Kaila entrusted them with the care of the other wolves and retired to a peaceful life in the countryside with Russell as her neighbor. Six years later, they surprised his mother and her father with newborn twins Bryce & Lilac. The end.

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