Luna (ladybug)

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June 29 1986,
I was just home from a family dinner after my graduation. alot of congrats shaking of hands and cards given happy tears and sad ones, for mostly for the ones who are moving over seas to get better job like my friend cira moving to Boston to study as a lawyer I couldnt think of a better person to go into that trade. When I got home with my mum and granny there was a card left in the door a dressed to me from LA I knew very well who would have sent it i took off my heels and sighed with relief from my sore feet, talking my shoes and envelope in hand to my room I threw my shoes to the side of my bed and flopped on my bed.. Strange some of my teddy's seem to be missing on my bed Hm.. No matter lets see what auntie Eli is writing to me about, its been so long god I haven't seen her since I was nine years old I opened the letter putting my already opened cards to the side as I read...
"Dear ladybug,
I am so proud of you! Your mother and I always knew you'd do it and there you have, it wasn't so long ago where I got to hold you in my arms at your christening a cute little bundle of joy and sweetness, you where like a little baby doll fast asleep in my arms as you where being blessed in the church hardly making a sound many a few little giggles and babbling could be heard but I knew back then you where made to do great things. From your first words to hearing you sing at talent shows in Ireland and few I brought you to over here in LA, you make everyone so proud my darling and you should be proud in yourself!
Auntie Eli xx
Elizabeth Taylor
Oh p.s you'll be getting a call from me today or tomorrow afternoon this letter has been sent love you ladybug "
After looking at the letter one more time I smiled and giggled that a picture she sent me of a pool party she had with a few of her friends one of them looked alot like Michael Jackson.. Well I knew auntie knew him but it was still a shock to me I've loved thriller
I remember it being the first album I ever bought after my vinyl player broken after my cousin accidentally knocked it over so I got a knew one and saw his thriller album it was so cool to me and his eyes drew me in to buy the vinyl.. I was hooked after that dont get me wrong his albums with his brothers where so good but Michael on his own was- magical.. When I called auntie all about finding his album she laughed and told me she just had brunch with him just before I called her a blush came to my cheeks as she explained the man to me, after that she asked me what my favorite song was on the album so far I told her all of them but one song always put a smile to my face "PYT pretty young thing" auntie agreed it was a brilliant song and well after that I remember seeing him on TV during the Grammys getting awards left ,right and center.
and why not he deserved them... I wonder if hes working on a album right now, auntie Eli said something about him work on a 3d movie with Disney at the moment I can only wonder at the moment what its going to be like. I decided I'd have a bath while waiting on her to ring as soon as I was out of the bathroom my mum shouted at me to answer the phone in my room I shouted back that I'd be a minute hearing my mum laugh I shook my head feeling my damp curls hit my face as I did I got dressed into my tank top and pajama shorts and turned to my mirror and stopped.. Okay either I'm going nuts or some of my pictures Disney stuff gone- ah! Forget I cant keep auntie waiting on the phone,
"Hi auntie Eli sorry to keep you waiting whats up!" I giggled answering the phone.
"Oh there's my sweet little ladybug! I am doing wonderful my dear just wonderful now I guess your wondering where your things are gone too?"
"How did you know that-" I asked a bit stunned as to how she knew that
"Oh cause I have it silly! Has your mother not told you?"
"... Hold on a second auntie.." I covered the phone "MUM! When where you planning on telling me about staying with auntie?!"
My mother replied with " I thought it he a nice surprise to hear it from your auntie little moon!" With that I let out a sigh and said exactly what my mother had to say to auntie, now auntie Eli wasn't my aunt by birth shes my godmother but she likes being called auntie Eli she said I always sounded cute saying it to her she it stuck since then. "Oh that mother of yours! Anyways starting tomorrow your going to be living with me and don't worry at Christmas we'll have your mother and grandmother down here so you don't get home sick darling, also your flight is tomorrow so.. I should let you go to get your beauty sleep, anyways goodnight!" With that she huge up and I looked at the phone in shock
"TOMORROW!?!" I flopped back on my bed and hide my face in my pillows. So starting tomorrow I'm living in LA huh?.. Well I guess I should pick out my clothes for tomorrow- wait do I even have clothes now?! With that I checked my closest, Hmm maybe auntie has clothes over there?.. Ill pack some of my own just incase just like that my life is gonna change and it all starts tomorrow.
ill get some clothes and finish my packing hopefully ill finish it by eleven at least so I don't fall asleep on the plane..

(Sorry Michael hasn't be introduced yet but you never know what will happen in the next chapter🥰 thank you for reading)

(Sorry Michael hasn't be introduced yet but you never know what will happen in the next chapter🥰 thank you for reading)

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