Family matters

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*the next day 4:30am*
✨Luna ✨
I haven't slept more than three hours and 50 minutes my curls are a mess so its a ponytail day for me... Cause of packing my suitcase and close too the morning I've eatin cereal, toast and apple juice not a fan of orange juice as it makes my throat dry. Anyway I'm in the car with my sleep deprived family mother driving my granny scouring loudly in the back with me holding my hand while my mother is driving me to the airport this has always been granny's way of comforting me when I'd have to go away, I was never use to leaving my family behind for so long my mother said I've been like that since my first day in play school, my mother said we where both crying her crying more than me even though I didn't want to leave her side. Your probably wondering about my father huh?.. Well he left when I was two he wasn't ready for kids I guess but I've done well I think. Its at this moment as I'm thinking to myself its like my granny and mother could read my mind
"Youll be fine love, you've done so much for yourself as it is and this is just another starting point for you and your mother and I are so proud of the smart girl you have become." She gave my hand a squeeze and smiled she always knew how to make me calm down or be my happy self again, my mother driving the car way of cheering up was telling jokes or turning on the radio, singing along to the songs playing on the radio station my mum always keeped it on the us music station as most radio stations in Ireland were depressing as hell. Mums way of cheering me up today was turning on the radio and as soon as it tuned in i could hear "PYT" I giggled at the fact my favorite song was playing and me, little family started singing including sleep deprived grandmother as we where getting closer to the airport. My mum helped me with my suitcase out of the car then the three of us headed inside the airport me holding my passport and backpack on my back heading to the ticket desk a friendly woman helped me with my suitcase and putting a sticker strip on the backpack she told us where I was to board my plane.. Now I thought I'd be going on a normal plane I was wrong auntie Eli sent a private plane- now I don't know why she didn't just put me in a normal plane but I guess I didn't have to rush as much as I thought.. I hugged my mother and Nana not wanting to say goodbye so instead I told them I'd see them soon sniffing and crying as I was shown to the private plane, I waved at them before I took my last step into the plane goodbye Ireland hello LA..

✨Luna arrival✨
Elizabeth Taylor
Well now thats done its time to get everything together, right okay.. Luna room is completely ready even when I had Michael over I saw him trying to take a peak at the room I couldn't help but giggle at the way he looked at her room in awe her little treasures in little spaces of the room he'd ask me questions about her but I'd tell him he'll be able to ask her these questions himself with a childish pout on his face and a look of defeat I pat his cheek gently and walked away from luna's room hearing him chuckle he most have found a few of her vinyls, I wonder how he'll react to her when they meet at the airport with me. I've asked him to come the airport with me as I don't like going to places alone but he doesn't know I'm taking him in alongside me inside the airport, I checked my watch and shouted up to Michael telling him we had to go now because the plane should arrive anytime soon.. I have a feeling it will become love at first sight when the cross paths.

❤️Micheal Jackson🖤
I helped Lizzie into the limousine and both our bodyguards fallowed suit into the limo throughout the ride I'd ask Lizzie questions about her god daughter she wouldn't even tell me her name just that she was 25-years-old and her birthday is valentines day so shes a baby of love and beauty, I wasn't given a description of this girl it was little she wanted me to find out for myself. which thats most likely what shes playing with me as she smirks looking out the window right now as the limo is making a stop at the doors of the airport I see that some people are starting to look at the limo maybe this wasn't a good idea, I take a few deep breaths and look over at Elizabeth who took my hand shocked that she was talking me into the airport with her "liz what are you doing-?!" She giggled and the bodyguards still behind us "well you wanted to meet Luna whats a better way other way then today?" Her name is Luna.. Its such a beautiful name i wonder was it her mother that picked it or Lizzie, as we got to the welcome gates our bodyguards made sure no one got to close to us as we waited.. 15 people going by and Lizzie looks so giddy looking down the hall off the gates her smile widens and she lets out a shouts out "ladybug!" I looked to who she was waving at... A beautiful girl- scratch that woman, prefect curls framing her face , fare skin looking a little tanned a curvy body in all the right places and these big blue bambi eyes.. She looked in our direction and a beautiful bright smile showed up in her face causing my heart to stop a bit, she ran straight towards us and embraced Lizzie still smiling then I heard her voice "auntie Eli! I missed you so much" even her voice is sweet- wait woah why haven't I introduced myself, then again I could scare her if I just pop into the conversation that wouldn't- just as I'm thinking these things Lizzie looks like shes introducing Luna to me her cheeks look rosy is she blushing cause of me?- focus Jackson?! "H-hello Mr Jackson" shes so shy! "Its Michael sorry Mr Jackson makes me feel my dads age" I giggled and i saw her smile again making my heart flutter..
"Alright Michael, its very nice too meet you!" The three of us all talked going to the limousine Lizzie telling me and luna stories about luna as a child causing Luna herself to hide her face in her hands blushing, god this girl is a angel...
1167 words
(sorry its a bit jumpy in some of this chapter I was writing alot of it last night and this afternoon but I hope you enjoyed it)

The moonwalker and the moonlight Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя