Adopting Clay

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Void POV: (And yes the void is a person)

I was feeling nice because I made a mansion just at the bottom of the void. When out of nowhere I see a baby falling from the sky, I thought I could make him fall slower but I had already had my energy drained from making the house. With nearly all my energy I make something soft so he won't die. When he landed I looked at him and knew.

I must adopt him.

3rd person POV:
So the void adopted him. It named him Clay. She cared for it just like a mother should.  She had her maid's to help her too. When DreamXD found out that the void had a child the god visited her more. But one day when one of the maid's was brushing clay's 5 year old silky soft hair he asked.

No one's POV:

Mommy why do we live in a mansion? I read some of the books that dropped down and people have have houses. Why can't we go to the overworld? (CLAY)
No sweetheart we can't go to the overworld but Clara (the maid) can tell you what it was like if she wants to. (Void)
But Mommy uncle XD can go there. (CLAY)
XD goes there for missions I'm sorry sweetie. (Void)

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