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(Thank you so much for 200+ reads I really appreciate it)
(P is for Puffy, C is for Clay, D is for Dream, S is for Star, N is for Nightmare, V is for Void, Xd is for Xd, L is for Lucid, P is for Phil, W is for Alivebur, G is for Ghostbur, T is for Techno

Clay please wake up!
Clay please!
Clay come on Nightmare is worrying!
Dream and Lucid are worrying too so WAKE UP!

Clay gasped for air as he awoke from the Nightmare.

Are you okay child? S
I-I think so. C
What happened? S
I had a nightmare, I've been having them every day and nothing helps. C
What do you dream about? S
I'm in the castle Gardens sleeping and two voices are trying to get me to wake up. From what I've gathered one voice is called Nightmare the other is called Lucid and they know Dream. C
Then if they know Dream why don't you ask him? S
I have a feeling I shouldn't. C
Okay then what are you going to do? S
I want to look around the castle. C
I'll go with you. S
Okay. C
Wait! S
What do you need? C
How come you're not aloud outside, I thought you were only grounded for a year. S
My mother said me and Dream needed to stay grounded a couple more years. It's my ninth birthday tomorrow. Mother said she'd go into a human form although only for a day because if someone kills her human form the whole void will collapse and she'll die. C
Is there a ball? S
Yeah. Now let's go. C
Alright. S

--half way through looking around the castle - - -
-Clay passes out--
Clay? S
Come on let's get you back to bed. S

Clay can you hear us?
Yeah can you?
A-are you the people that halvle been in my nightmares? C
Of course!
And I am Lucid and this is Nightmare we are your dear big brothers. L
Well ita might be a lot to take in but right now we need your full attention okay? L
O-okay. C
Before this you'll need your memories back so here! N
N-Nighty S-Squidy? C
You remember, I'm so happy! N and L
I still can't believe Dream betrayed us just for a deal to go to the overworld. C
Yeah it's a lot to take in. N
You should go back now. L
But I wanna stay here with you! C
Don't worry you'll be able to see us! L
Really? C
Yeah! L and N
Okay my dearest brothers. C (basically his personality is salty to family because of what they did now because he gained his memories back)
(back in the real world)

Clay! V
Yes! C
You've been sleeping for hours I'm in my human form. V
Really?! C
Yeah now get ready for the ball. V

---------- - - - - - - - - -

I'm ready! C
That's great honey! V

-Time skip-
-a sword goes through Void's chest-
M-momma? C-
Y-y-yes? V
A-are you going to die? C (CLAY is crying)
I-I t-think B-but y-you must b-be strong o-o-okay? V
O-okay m-momma. C
M-momma? C
Yes? V
Why d-do I feel so weird? C
L-listen you're becoming like the void but you'll be in human form y-you can control the void and it protects you. T-the endermen obay you. I'm giving you this. V

Void gives Clay earrings and earpods

T-they're the royal earrings and your present okay. V
Thank you momma. C
Clay where are you? D
C-Clay you must run Dream is bad. I know i-it's hard to understand b- V
I-I know m-momma please don't leave me. C
How little flower? V
I met Nighty and Squidy. C
What?! V
Clay I'm worried. D
Run!.... V
M-momma! C
Oh hi Clay! D
Bye murderor! C
-Clay jumps out of the window-
Clay! D

Star are you with me? C
Always. S
Do you know how to fly? C
No but you do. S
What no I don't! C
You do just concentrate! S
O-okay! C

-Clay grows wings-
Holy void I did it! C
Of course you did child! S
Hey star? C
Yes Clay? S
I control the void right now right? C
Yes, why? S
Can I go to the overworld? C
Yes, of course you can just in vision it and you should go there. S
OK. Thank you Star. C
You're welcome child. S
-Clay goes to the overworld-(Phil's house)
Clay I can't believe you're here! P
Hey dweeb! W
Hey Clay. T
I missed you guys so much! C
You sent letters. P

(End of chapter also I'm sorry about not posting for a while)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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