𝟐𝟑. ✭ 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 ✭

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I do not speak Albanian so parts of this chapter were brought to you via Google translate.

It would appear that Mr. Arrogant has a fear of flying, which has been entirely amusing. Torey played it off like he was cool with it but I could see the set of his jaw, the sweat on his brow. The moment we'd landed in New York he visibly relaxed. Dani, on the other hand, was fine during the flight but her anxiety spiked the moment the jet's landing gear touched the runway.

When she tried to cling to me for comfort I had to remind her where we were, that she could no longer do that. Torey and I were off-limits while we are here and I hate it. I hate that I can't be her person, especially now that we're walking into one of her father's hotels.

It's his main one, the one where he does the majority of his business, where he'd hired me. Dani squeezes my hands after we enter and I have to whisper under my breath, "Dani, there are security cameras everywhere." She immediately clasps her hands behind her back without another word. "Remember what we talked about."

No touching. No affectionate glances. No nothing. It could get us killed.

A large, much older man steps out from a door behind the front desk. "Torey, you're back sooner than I thought you would be." He assesses me and then looks at Dani. After a moment his eyes widen, "Daniela!?" Several people on the perimeter's eyes flick to her at the man's exclamation. "Is it really you?"

"Po, jam une." I have never heard Dani speak Albanian before. The way it rolled off her tongue was so natural. "Goodshtë mirë të të shoh, xhaxha."

"Nuk mund ta besoj!" He walks around the desk to stand in front of her, placing a hand on each shoulder. Then he grabs ahold of her braided hair. "Cfare keni bere me floket tuaj?"

"I thought it needed a change." She pulls her dyed-blonde locks out of his hand and he frowns.

"Your father won't like it."

"We don't have time to deliberate hair colors, Asdren." Torey added in a terse manner. "I thought you were heading back home with your brother."

"Best to talk business in private, no?" The man doesn't give another backward glance before striding off to where the elevators are. Once we're all inside there's a tense quietness. It's uneasy, uncomfortable and I know that means we're walking into something dangerous. I've felt this way many times before a mission I wasn't sure I'd be making it out of. The most unnerving thing is that the man hadn't asked who I was which I'm gathering is because he already knows who I am.

The doors chime open and we're walking down a long, carpeted hallway. I make a mental note of where the staircases are when we round a corner and continue walking. There's a supply closet which I'm assuming is not really a supply closet. I doubt any guest is allowed on this floor. I'm sure behind that door are a bunch of armed men watching security footage. I make note of the voices on the other side. Yes, definitely a security team. We finally reach a room that has the man swiping some sort of badge over a device. Another mental note— lift an identification badge in case things go south.

"I see you brought home the stray kitten." Agelos' deep accented voice said. "Even though I specifically gave the order not to." He's sitting at a wide desk, leaning back in a leather chair. "At least Tatyana will be pleased."

"I followed a lead, one that also lead me to Daniela." When the uncle goes to leave the room I make sure to subtly snatch his identification badge. Torey continues after the door closes, "She was nearly killed twice by the same people who attacked the syndicate and your family. My assumption is that Katya was working for him as well."

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