Frank and the Vibe God's Mom

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There are many gods in the Earthen Realm. They control how the world works, what happens, and occasionally they help the people who occupy that world.
However, among these gods, there is a specific group. An elite gro-well...a group dedicated to making sure the creativity of the world flourishes, and that humanity lives to its fullest. These gods, goddesses, and deities, make up the Writing Hub™.
These are their stories.

"Guys, Frank's at it again," Kuken said when she walked into the large recreation room of the building the gods owned.

"Of course he is, he's Frank." Dom brushed off as he played video games on the communal Playstation.

"Well, a mortal is here because" She blinked a few times, "Mütter die ich gerne ficken würde?"

"Oop, Kuken broke. Time to reboot her." Ally came in from the kitchen, fully intent on pouring water on Kuken.

"No no, she just said MILF in German. Essentially." Dom clarified. Kuken nodded.

"Wait, just to get this straight, a mortal is here because Frank had sex with their mom, yeah?" Cyan asked.

Kuken nodded again, smiling at their understanding.

"I cohn't belevv yous goht thaht froum MILF en Geuhman." Red said from the bar. A bar which has a sign on it that explicitly says in bold lettering: RED STOP DRINKING ALL OF THE VODKA

"Frank!" Ally yelled, "Come clean up your mess."

Frank peeked around the corner, smirking, "And which mess did I forget, cause I know I cleaned my bedroom-"

"Goddammit, Frank." Clo rolled her eyes, "Just go deal with the guy."

"For the record, I have a plaque in my bedroom that says 'Ĝ̵̰Ọ̴̇͋D̶̠̳̓ ̶̩̽̓Ȏ̴̡̟F̷̫̈͠ ̸̝̇͝B̵̧͝O̶͉͗I̵͚̜̎N̴͓͛K̸̺͔͐I̴̜̲̋Ṋ̸̈́͝G̷̪̈́̃'. Which is, quite true." He ended with a wink.

"I hope it starts with 'self-appointed'." Cyan laughed.

"Alright, alright, let him in," Frank told Kuken.

"What's the magic word, Frank?" Kuken glared.

"Guten tag?"

Frank suddenly grasped his stomach, "Eugh, what the hell-"

Kuken smiled, her hand open and aimed forward. "Goddess of water, remember? The body is 75% water. Now, what's the magic word?"


"Guter Junge."

She walked into the hallway and everyone stared at Frank.

He gestured wildly, "Oh, I'm fine by the way thanks for asking guys."

Kuken came back in seconds with a relatively tall and curly-haired man behind her. A subjectively handsome man as well.

"Frank?" He said, exhibiting his incredibly deep voice.

"That'd be me, and who are you?"

"I'm Soule. I believe you know my mother?"

"Ah, yeah! That's why you look familiar, she had pictures of you in her kitchen. You seem to have gotten her good looks."

Soule hummed, irritated. He looked towards the bar that Red was standing behind.

"Scuse me, but can I get something to drink?"

"Wot's yer bevvy uh choice, lad?"

"Uh, White Russian?"

"Boss, here's your dyaden'ka." Red held a small glass in her hand and it filled itself up from the bottom, nearly passing the rim.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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