Choosing Day (Ivery)

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I stood out in the crowded square, grouped with all of the other 15 year olds waiting for their fate to be chosen. I could hear screams of excitement coming from a group of boys, hoping they would be chosen to fight in the sacred color wars and try to earn some honor for their families. On the other side of the spectrum we had me, barely 15 by just a few weeks and praying to whatever gods above that I wouldn't be chosen.

The announcer came on stage, A small envelope already in her hand with this year's competitor on it. I closed my eyes as she tore open the envelope whispering comforting nonsense under my breath as she started reading out the name. "Ivery Adams! Is Ivery Adams here?" the lady shouted out, my heart sinking into my chest. She said my name. I'm going to die.

I slowly made my way out of the crowd, all eyes on me as I climbed up onto the stage. "Good Good! Is there anything you would like to say to the crowd?" There was a look of sorrow on the announcer's face, having sent so many kids into this fate and watching all but 1 die year after year. "I Um-" I took the microphone "Farewell to you all, Enjoy your lives" I could see my mother sobbing from the audience, losing her only daughter to these horrid games. I was going to try my best to win. Even if it seemed almost impossible. "Very Well then! We must be on our way, More children to join us you know! Maybe you'll meet some friends" The woman half led me half dragged me into the car, heading out of Atlanta and into the next town.

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