Choosing Day (Noah and Eloise)

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"Eloise! Come on, we're going to be late!" I could hear Noah shouting from the living room but I didn't pay attention. I knew we were going to be chosen today and wanted one last final moment in my bedroom beforehand. We were the only twins eligible for selection and It was common knowledge that twins were almost always chosen, together until their very last breaths. "I'm coming , I'm coming!" I grumbled, taking one final look before shutting the door and walking down the spiral staircase. "God, Why are you always in such a hurry? The announcer wont be coming on stage for at least-'' I checked my watch "Another 10 minutes" "Exactly! Noah groaned, Its a 5 minute walk into town without crowds!" He practically pushed us both out the door, making the trek into the square.

We stood together under a big oak tree, hands clutched as we waited for the announcer to open up the singular envelope in her hands. That was a good sign right? Maybe we had gotten lucky, Maybe we could make it past the choosing. The possibility was just starting to ease my racing heart when she ripped open the envelope. Shouting out the names into her microphone. "Oh My My! It seems we will have a set of twins in this years competition!! Noah And Eloise Green could you please make your way to the stage?" Noah squeezed my hand, leading us up to the stage. I could hear him talking to the announcer but it was all going in one ear and out the other. I was going to die, And so was my brother.

Noah's perspective:

Eloise stood next to me silently, looking out at the herds of people staring up at us. "Before we head back to the car, any words for the people?" The announcer looked at Eloise waiting for a response. I sighed, realizing there was no way anyone was going to get any words out of her and turned back to the lady. "I speak for both of us when I say that we can't wait to compete in these games. And will make our city proud, Even if it means dying in the process." The crowded square started slowly clapping but I didn't pay any attention to it, leading Eloise over to the car that would take us to our dooms.


Author's Note: 3 Characters down 5 more to meet! This is my 1st time doing a novel like this so please go easy on me xD Hope you all enjoy this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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