Special Feature: Quinn and Luke Play the Dating Game

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So, as I said, I can't post the entire book on Wattpad. But I can give you some "special features" for your reading enjoyment.  I'll be adding a few here and there. To start, Quinn and Luke play the "dating game."

This blog originally posted on Dark Faerie Tales: http://darkfaerietales.com/dating-games-heartsick-by-caitlin-sinead.html. :)

Dark Faerie Tales: Quinn we are going to start with you so Luke could you please leave the room.  I am planning on asking you a few questions and I want you to be as honest as possible. But I also want you to remember that this is a game, and you want your questions to match Luke’s if possible so keep that in mind when you are answering each question.

When getting to know someone it is very important to find out what some of their favorite things are so I want to know what you think is Luke’s favorite childhood memory is? Also can you tell us your favorite childhood memory as well so we can see if Luke knows what it is?

Quinn: Luke has two older sisters who he’d do anything for, including letting them bury him up to the neck in sand at Virginia Beach. Not just one vacation, but several vacations. I think they might have started that tradition when he was seven and stopped it…well…actually, I think they still do it. Luke can be a good sport when it comes to being enveloped in sand.

For me, well, I always loved doing various art projects with my uncle. One time we even made a little Christmas town completely out of q-tips and puffy paint. He’s not alive anymore, but…I’ll always have those memories.

DFT: Can you describe Luke in three words and also describe yourself in three words as well?

Quinn: Luke is charming, kind, and goofy.

I’m spontaneous, a bit quirky, and creative.

DFT: What was your first impression of Luke? What do you think was his first impression of you?

Quinn: Well, I thought he was just another townie. A very handsome one, for sure, but just a local guy looking to have some fun. I know he pegged me for a Poe student instantly, and he was, well, at least curious about me right away.

DFT: The next few questions are a little more intimate but fun to ask so try to be as honest as possible. Do you like naughty talk or does it embarrass you?

Quinn: I don’t like it. There are more fun things we can do with our mouths.

DFT: What is your favorite body part on Luke and what is his favorite body part of yours?

Quinn: His arms—they’re nice, police-trained arms. I love how they feel when he’s holding me.

DFT: What is your idea of the perfect romantic date?

Quinn: Anything outside. Both Luke and I love being barefoot in the grass and rolling around on picnic blankets.

DFT: Ok Luke it is now your turn to come on out and answer all the same questions that we just asked Quinn.  Try to see if you can get the same answers and both of you will get to comment at the end on each other’s answers!

When getting to know someone it is very important to find out what some of their favorite things are so I want to know what you think is Quinn’s favorite childhood memory is? Also can you tell us your favorite childhood memory is?

Luke: Quinn’s favorite memory probably has to do with doing an art project with her uncle.

For me, my sisters and I pulled a few pranks in our day. Well, okay, being the youngest, a lot of them were on me. But one time, when our parents were watching a horror movie, we took one of Rachel’s old creepy-looking dolls, duck taped it to a broom stick, and swayed it in front of the window next to the TV. I’ll never forget the looks on their faces. 

DFT: Can you describe Quinn in three words and also describe yourself in three words as well?

Luke: I’m simple, blessed, and lucky. There’s no way I can capture all that is Quinn in three little words.

DFT: What was your first impression of Quinn? What do you think was her first impression of you?

Luke: There was something about her that demanded my attention. I had to talk to her. I had to try to understand who this girl was who drank wine when everyone else was chugging draft beer, who took eerie photographs, and who seemed to love Sally–one of my family’s best friends–as much as me and my sisters do. Thinking about the way she looked at me as we stood over that broken glass still gives me chills.

I’m sure she thought I was some dumb hick. She might not be wrong. Have I mentioned that I’m blessed and lucky?

DFT: The next few questions are a little more intimate but fun to ask so try to be as honest as possible. Do you think Quinn likes naughty talk or does it embarrass her?

Luke: Um, yeah, I think maybe it would embarrass her. Yeah, let’s go with that. *wipes face, turns red*

DFT: What is your favorite body part on Quinn and what is her favorite body part of yours?

Luke: Her eyes….

What? I’m a gentleman.

But I’m guessing she loves my butt. I hear it’s pretty nice.

DFT: What is your idea of the perfect romantic date?

Luke: Anything with Quinn. Being outside with Quinn is even better.

DFT: Quinn what did you think of Luke’s answers?

Quinn: “My eyes,” my ass. He’s a boob guy, he’s just too polite to say it.

DFT: So Luke what did you think of Quinn’s answers?

Luke: Okay, okay, I’ve taken a gander at her boobs now and again, I’ll admit it. And I loved her answers, even if we don’t win this, going home with her means I’m still winning.

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