Ch. 3 - Spooking as Usual I See

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The four waits for a few minutes as they start to feel bored.  Adorabat begins to fall asleep and Black Rhino Ranger twiddles the cord of his proton pack but Willis and Mao Mao are both energized since they drank coffee.
Adorabat: Are they here yet?
Willis Wright: Nope.  Not yet.
Adorabat: *Sigh* Okay.
???: Well, I'm already here.
Black Rhino Ranger: Wha--?  Who said that?
They turn and see a purple eagle-like mixel with two eyes with one wizard hat each.
Willis Wright: Hey, Mesmo's here!
Mesmo: Yep!  And I brought the whole group here with me: BJ Blazkowicz, Morgan Yu, Spyro, Cooper and Cricket.
Willis Wright: Sweet!  Everyone's here!
Adorabat: You know what?  I'm gonna stay here and take care of Badgerclops.
Mao Mao: Okay.  Well, I'll be back when it's over.
Adorabat nods and then flies into the headquarters.
Morgan Yu: So, what is this about?
Willis Wright: Well Mr. Yu, I need an entire group to help me catch the ghosts and put them back into the chest.
Spyro: Huh?  Why?
Black Rhino Ranger: Because they're evil and this antique chest is a trap for the evil spirits.  That's why.
BJ Blazkowicz: Well, that sounds like bad news.  But we can be strong for freedom and justice.
Mao Mao: Yeah, I love the sound of that!
Cricket: So, this chest looks like it was made in Germany during the Second Reich.
Willis Wright: It is.  There's no time.  We're gonna work together to catch the ghosts before they terrorize the whole city.
Cooper growls as if he's trying to speak.
BJ Blazkowicz: He says that we got something to catch the ghosts.  We'll show you at our place.
The group hops into the car as Willis starts the engine.  They then pull away from the headquarters and through the city until they arrive at the Blazkowicz house.  They walk up to the front door and BJ knocks.  The door opens and a woman is here.
BJ Blazkowicz: Hey, Anya.  I invited a group for training.
Anya Oliwa: Wait.  William, why did you invite them here.
Willis Wright: To catch the ghosts and put them back into the chest.
Anya looks at the chest in Willis' hand.  She gets confused about what they're talking about.
BJ Blazkowicz: How about if we can give them some training.
Anya Oliwa: Alright.
They all went inside.  The house looks pretty neat inside as two twin sisters came down to see the group.
Jessie Blazkowicz: Hey Dad.  Who are those creatures?
Mao Mao: I'm Mao Mao, the legendary samurai.
Morgan Yu: I'm Dr. Morgan Yu.
Cricket: Dr. Cricket.
Spyro: I'm Spyro.
Mesmo: I'm Mesmo.
Black Rhino Ranger: I'm Black Rhino Ranger and his name is Cooper.
Willis Wright: And I'm Willis Wright.
Soph Blazkowicz: Okay.  Well, nice to meet you.
Anya comes back through the back door.
Anya Oliwa: Alright.  The training area is ready.
They all went outside and in the backyard are targets, a punching bag and two sheds; one full of devices for gardening and the other full of weapons.
BJ Blazkowicz: Okay, grab your weapons and go.
They all grab their weapons and Spyro raises his hand up.
Spyro: Excuse me Mr. Blazkowicz, but how do we use those weapons?
BJ Blazkowicz: That's simple.  You just gotta aim directly at the target and pull the trigger, including like a sniper.
Spyro: Okay, well I'm a magical dragon.  I can blow all kind of breaths and do all kinds of spells.
BJ Blazkowicz: I see.  Alright, ready?  Aim.  Fire!
The gang fires their weapons at the targets which they sometimes get a bullseye.  After a lot of training, Mesmo makes a spell to make some proton weapons appear: miniguns and a pistol.  Cooper grabs the miniguns, Cricket grabs a pistol, Morgan already has his Q-beam Emitter with him, BJ grabs his lasergewehr and Willis gets a laserkraftwerk.
Willis Wright: Okay.  Everybody all set?
All: Yeah.
Anya Oliwa: First, it's time for lunch.
They all come inside and for lunch, they are having burgers that are already cooked.  They're so good that they couldn't stop eating.
Soph Blazkowicz: Wow.  These sure are hungry.
BJ Blazkowicz: Yep.  They sure are.
Spyro: So, what do you mean like thirteen ghosts?
Willis Wright: Well, I opened the chest and set the ghosts free by mistake.  That's why I need your help to catch the ghosts.  I already caught two of them and now I need to find eleven more.
After they finished eating their burgers, the house begins to shake.
Anya Oliwa: What's going on?
A man appears at the window as Spyro shrieks like a girl.
Eggman: Hello again, Willis!
Willis stands up from the chair.
Willis Wright: Eggman, huh?
Eggman: Yes.  The third ghost is who I am, and I've seen that you already caught Ripto and Orangusnake.  And now you dare to catch me next?
Willis Wright: Well, yeah.  Kinda.  I don't know.
Eggman: Okay.  Eat this!
Phantom robots came through the walls and start blasting haunting beams as the gang dodges.  The chest nowhere to be seen as Willis looks around.
Willis Wright: The chest!  Where's the chest?!
Mao Mao: I don't know.  I can't see it anywhere.
Spyro: Me neither.
While fighting against the phantom robots, they began searching for it through the house but there are so many robots that it's hard to see.
Willis Wright: Great.  I lost the chest.  Now what?
When he looks down at the lawn, there it is.
Willis Wright: Not good.
Eggman: Yes!  Destroy the chest and free the ghosts! *Laughs evilly*
Willis Wright: They're gonna destroy it!
Jessie Blazkowicz: Don't worry.  We've got this.
The twins dash past the robots and snatched the chest as the beam went past them.
Eggman: What?
Jessie Blazkowicz: Catch it!
Jessie tosses the chest and Willis catches it.
Willis Wright: I'm sorry, but your troubles are over.
Eggman: No!  NO!
Willis swings the chest around and it sucks Eggman inside.  All the phantom robots vanished.
Willis Wright: Yes!  Three down and ten more to go!
Everyone cheers for victory as Willis sees something in the sky.  What could it be?
Cricket: We did it!  We got him!
Morgan Yu: Yep.  We did.
Willis Wright: These ghosts might be somewhere, I think.  Let's go.
The group all hop into the car and then drove away from the house as Anya and the twin sisters wave goodbye.

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