When I Look in the Mirror

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"Write a story with the title 'When I Look in the Mirror'"

When I look in the mirror I see myself - or someone that's supposed to be me. I look in the mirror and the person staring back at me is unfamiliar - with her round face and red cheeks and mousy, brown hair. She is me. But I don't recognize her.

When I look in the mirror I don't ever see what I expect. Instead I'm faced with a reality that I can make go away with a quick sidestep and lowered head. After all, if I don't face the me in the mirror then I can be whatever version of myself I've convinced myself I am.

When I look in the mirror I silently beg my reflection to disappear. For my mirror-self to step to the side while I replace her with a perfect image of myself.

When I look in the mirror I dream that I am the reflection and the real me, with her slim face and her sleek waves and her sparkling brown eyes, is in the real world living out her dreams.

When I look in the mirror I'm bombarded with insecurities and instantaneous hate. I wish that mirrors never existed at all.

When I look in the mirror I pray to the universe to suck me into my mirror world. To let me live out the life of the me that's not me.

Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I wish I hadn't woken up at all.

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