07. question...?

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chapter seven: question...?
act one: ( fake ) love is cruel

After another night spent confined to the hospital wing, Charlie was set free. She was grateful for her restored health, Sirius would have had a fit if she missed another event with all the Marauders, specifically a party being thrown the night before Christmas holidays began. It was a Sirius Black staple since fourth year, he even put his hatred for his family's house aside and allowed Slytherin's to join if they so desired.

It was held in the Room of Requirement, open to those who truly wished to be present at the party, house difference aside. Charlie was more excited to separate herself from James and the rest of the Marauders, she desired nothing more than to dance with Cate and avoid questions about dating James Potter. She also desired nothing more than avoiding That Guy and his perfectly tall and blonde girlfriend.

"What are we going to tell Lou and your parents?" Charlie pondered, laying on James' four poster bed as he sorted out his potential outfit choices beside his friend.

"I dunno." James was not helpful, Charlie decided, as his perfect nose scrunched with indecision. He settled on a plain t-shirt to Charlie disappointment, and opted to throw the rest of his belongings back in his glossy oak wardrobe. Charlie was already in her outfit for the night, some nicely fitting jeans and an off-the-shoulder button down, her dark hair barely tamed as it sprawled down her shoulders.

"Great plan," Charlie mumbled, rolling over onto her back to stare at the high ceiling.

"It doesn't have to be a big deal," James replied with a shrug. "Just tell Lou I asked you out and you said yes. Basically what we've been telling the entire school. Don't stress so much, okay?"

"She knows I'm a horrible liar. We're doomed." Charlie was taking her stress out on her fingernails, biting them down to her skin anxiously. In her moment of stress, James took the opportunity to change his shirt, a moment Charlie pretended not to notice as he threw on the white t-shirt. His back muscles flexed, and Charlie averted her nervous gaze.

"You're fine." James said reassuringly. He pretended not to notice Charlie's pink cheeks and her wandering gaze, something that would threaten a blush of his own. "Relax. Don't worry about it tonight, just have some fun."

Flashbacks from a party held last spring flew through Charlie's mind, causing her stomach to turn at the thought of another alcohol induced night. The spring air, too much Firewhisky, and the feeling of delicate kisses on her neck.

Don't even kid yourself, the things you did That Night were done completely sobered up. You both know it.

If James was thinking about the last party he had attended with Charlie, he was doing a marvellous job at hiding it. His face was impassive, leaving Charlie to wonder if she should feel relief or disappointment. She decided on neither, and once again mentally deflected her past decisions.

"Oi, lovebirds! If I'm walking in on something, someone owes me extensive therapy," Sirius yelled, barging in. Charlie's cheeks turned embarrassingly red, James' face not far off.

"And that's my cue to leave," Charlie declared, pushing herself off James' bed and pushing past a cackling Sirius. Remus and Peter were waiting in the common room, a few first and second years warily keeping their distance from the supposedly terrifying seventh year students. She could hear James yelling at Sirius to fuck off and shared a secret smile with Remus.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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