06. hollow halls.

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chapter six: hollow halls
act one: ( fake ) love is cruel

Charlie found herself dozing in Transfiguration, the talk of turning a teacup into whatever was mind-numbing. It certainly didn't help that Charlie was up late cramming, with the Christmas break came numerous tests in all her subjects. While none of them were final, they were subject exams and worth more than assignments combined. Professors once again provided the daunting speech that broached the topic of graduation and employment, leaving the seventh years to shudder behind their textbooks.

Charlie was an exceptional student, she held promising grades in hopes of one day becoming a professor at Hogwarts, an astronomy professor at that. Her late mother was described as someone who adored the stars and constellations, and she was an astronomer before she passed. Charlie never knew her mother—she had passed when Charlie was only 2—but she held the same intrigue and interest about the night sky and the jewels that shone from it.

However, Transfiguration was kicking Charlie's ass.

"Charlie," Sirius hissed, poking Charlie's arm. Charlie stirred, finding it odd to be on the receiving end; she was usually the one waking Sirius or James up during their lessons, the boys constantly behind but still stellar students. She envied their ability to be naturals at everything they did, as did Remus and Peter.

"Sorry," Charlie mumbled, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles. "Just been' tired."

Tired was an understatement, Charlie was sure she had never felt worse in her seventeen years of living.

"The lesson is about to end anyway," Sirius whispered gently, "C'mon."

Charlie grumbled incoherent nothings under her breath, tired and cranky from the difficult class and lack of sleep. She had James helping her with an essay, and she had fallen asleep at one of the tables in the Gryffindor common room. The last thing she remembered was James picking her up and carrying her into one of the couches and laying a blanket over her slumbering frame. Charlie woke to Chester nuzzling against her cheek, the harsh rays of morning light acting as a natural alarm for the day.

Her head had pounded mercilessly when she made her way to her dormitory, but she ignored that and the other countless symptoms setting in as she dressed herself and went down to breakfast.

"You alright, love?" Sirius asked, noting the glazed-over look in Charlie's eyes. The two fell into step through the brisk halls of Hogwarts, December making itself known through the cold stone floors and falling snow in the courtyard.

"Yeah, fine," Charlie replied, feigning a bright voice that toned Sirius' worries. Along with the exhaustion, the girl still felt rather ill, cold sweat sprouting on her forehead.

Sirius' brow furrowed as he gave Charlie a proper look, noting her pale complexion and drooping eyes. Sirius Black—despite the words of his friends—was no idiot, he knew sickness when he saw it. He shook his head, lips lifting with disappointment.

"Charlie, you look awful. How do you feel?" Sirius asked, stopping Charlie in the hallway.

"I am fine, Sirius," Charlie protested, her words unconvincing as she produced a ghastly sounding cough.

"You're a horrible liar, Charlie."

Before Charlie could escape Sirius' best interests, he whisked her off to the hospital wing, the girl too weak to argue about her well-being. She hated being coddled, she despised scenarios where she was unable to care for herself, meaning she avoided sickness as much as possible. Charlie was her own caretaker, she had made the role clear since she was a child. So for Sirius to help her hobble to the hospital wing made her feel ridiculous, even if she needed it.

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