"Welcome Home, babe."

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Jong-wu awakens to his body being shaken softly, yet assertively. "Babe, wake up. We're at the airport, you can sleep more on the plane," Jong-wu remembers who he's with, his eyes barely open. Still half asleep he says something he shouldn't, "Why'd you...leave..?" his voice cracking and groggy.

"Hm? Why?" Mun-jo sighs, "What do you mean by that?" Jong-wu stands up, tired he rubs his eyes. Mun-jo leads him by hand to their plane. Mun-jo already took care of the luggage.

They arrive at Mun-jo's home, finally. Jong-wu's body hurts from worry, despair, and pain. "Want to have a beer together again, honey?"

Jong-wu's mind drifts away, he could feel his face contorting with pain. Why suddenly did the feeling of stabs to the heart fill his body. "I don't want to have a beer with you, you asshole, fuck you." He closes his eyes and sighs, "Can I just sleep?" He pinches the bridge of his nose and rubs his forehead, trying to release some tension. Mun-jo's facial expression hardens and he hums in response. Slowly shaking his head and leading him to his room. Where he slams the door on Mun-jo's face when he gets the chance, he flops onto the bed and suddenly, he feels a tightening in his chest. Warm tears flow down his face, "What the hell? Crying, I'm crying now? Why?" He falls asleep, tears streaming down his pink cheeks. Mun-jo listens at his door, leaning against it and smiling, "Welcome Home, babe,"

In the morning, Jong-wu groans and yawns as he sits up. Feeling like he's moving in slow motion, he rubs his eyes and watches the door swing open. His face appears right there. "Good morning babe, are you hungry?" He snickers at Jong-wu's bedhead although he's seen it before. "Uh sure yeah, but can we open all the windows ?" Jong-wu says standing, walking over to the window in his room. Fresh air never smelled so good. The sudden cool breeze slightly lifted a weight. He slips past Mun-jo and opens all the others, he walks into Mun-jo's room, contemplating whether he should open his window or not. Mun-jo walks behind and sets his chin on Jong-wu's shoulder, grabbing his waist tightly. "How considerate you are babe." he kisses Jong-wu's neck softly, dragging his lips up to his ear. Jong-wu could feel his hot breathe on his face. He squirms, trying to escape his hold. "Suffocate, actually asshole." Mun-jo smirks and blows into Jong-wu's ear, a deep chuckle escapes his mouth. "Babe..Are you still angry at me?" Mun-jo's hand drifts up Jong-wu's chest, his pointer finger stopping at his nipple, swirling around it. Jong-wu breaks free, but Mun-jo grabs his wrist. He pulls Jong-wu close to him, pushing him up against the window sill. Making their pelvises smash together, Jong-wu grips Mun-jo's shirt with his other hand, the grip tightening as he felt a shiver through his spine, the foreign sensation was new, really new. Which made Jong-wu want more. Mun-jo notices how Jong-wu seems to have involuntarily started rubbing his hips against his own. Mun-jo smiles and the space between them is closed, their lips meet. Jong-wu shuts his eyes tightly and slightly parts his lips, which was enough for Mun-jo to slip his tongue inside, dancing around. Tasting his saliva, feeling his tongue hesitate, but then return in aggressiveness. Their lips pulsating from shoving themselves together, saliva building up, Jong-wu was struggling to breathe now, so he cups Mun-jo's face and pulls him away. Breathing heavily, he looks Mun-jo in the eyes. They're coated with a completely new look, lust. Deep lust. Jong-wu realizes they're both rock hard.

Mun-jo's hands slid down to Jong-wu's hips, pushing them together, helping him move against him. It's so aggressive, he thought his hips would bruise, but that's the least of his concerns, now both his hands grip Mun-jo's shirt practically ripping it off, since buttons were breaking off, more of Mun-jo's chest was showing, his lower body becoming more visible, he's quite built for how skinny he looks in those clothes, he notices the scar he left, wanting to touch it, his hand wonders, but stops when he looks at Mun-jo's eyes, those damn eyes. He's fucking terrifying. But oddly enough he can't look away. His hand now rests on Mun-jo's collarbone. Their bodies collide hard and quick. Mun-jo doesn't seem satisfied, it might be pleasureable, but he wants to touch Jong-wu's skin, he wants their skin to rub against eachothers, creating more friction, more excitement. Mun-jo picks up Jong-wu, throwing him onto the bed nearby. Jong-wu felt as though he isn't shocked, but.. excited for what's to come next. Mun-jo finally takes of his own shirt, Jong-wu's following quickly after.

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