"Ha! Who said I liked you or anything you did?"

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Jong-wu steps from the shower, his legs still shaking. "How annoying," Jong-wu dried his hair and got dressed, he walks out to the kitchen to see Mun-jo, already making lunch, "How long did you go on for , psycho?" Jong-wu says in a 'surprised, but also not' tone. Mun-jo let out a low, gutteral laugh, straight from his chest. "Babe, that was just the beginning, I'm perfecting up on this artwork of mine," He turned his head to look at Jong-wu, his eyes drifted down and back up, Mun-jo smiles with such sly underlying messages. Jong-wu was afraid he would bring up the shakiness of his legs. Hoping he didn't notice he walks to the fridge and he grabs a bottle of water. "Babe,"

As Jong-wu's back was facing Mun-jo, his heart felt like it stopped. Hearing that tone was so terrifying, yet, he wasn't exactly scared ? "Stop calling me that, bastard. It grosses me out," Jong-wu sneered and rolled his eyes. "Ahh, that stings babe.. I thought you liked me? We're the same," Mun-jo smirked and grabbed his chest, 'faking' chest pain. Jong-wu's whole body shivered, a hatred flared up in his heart, one he hasn't felt in a what seemed like a while. He felt his blood boil and writhe inside. The ladders stomach twisted and turned, the feeling of hacking up all his guts right there came back. Mun-jo saw this expression, his face was only to be explained as "twisted", it was a shade changing from a pale to a green every few seconds, his eyebrows furrowed , nose scrunched, his mouth retracting upwards in a thwarted , disgusted way. A vein popped out of Mun-jo's forehead, his heart finally felt as though it was beating. "God, what a face," Mun-jo breathed out , speaking through his teeth. "You and I? The "same"?" Jong-wu bursted into laughter, almost splitting his side. Veins popped out of his neck and forehead, it could be described as though he looked so angry steam was coming out his ears. "Now that stings, I wish you wouldn't deny me anymore babe," Mun-jo walked over, quickly gripping Jong-wu's wrist tightly before he could back away. "You are lovely, you know that? Embrace it and I won't fucking kill you right here , right now." A dark cloud over Mun-jo's face appears, his terrifying expression returning. Jong-wu's anger dissipated slowly, in turn his heart sped up. The hatred was still there, but now his mind was overflowing with thoughts of the earlier moments from this morning. "I won't fucking submit to you asshole, no matter how much you threaten me would you really kill such a precious art piece..?" Jong-wu smirked and clenched his fist, "You like me too much, not the other way around?" Jong-wu let out a small sigh. Mun-jo's psychotic expression, those dull eyes, the small smile of a cannibal. "You liked the way I treated you earlier , no? The way you got-", Mun-jo was cut off by Jong-wu's punch with his other free hand. His laugh piercing Mun-jo's ears, "HA! Who said I liked you or anything you did?!" Mun-jo's hands went weak for a moment letting Jong-wu escape from his grip and he backed himself up. Mun-jo still looking at the ground , his hand slowly reaching towards his face. Feeling where Jong-wu punched. He finally turned to face the ladder, there was no emotion. Nothing. No response. He walked away. "He walked away?!" Jong-wu all of a sudden felt a poking pain in his heart, like little needles. "Guilt? I?? Feel guilty? ME of all people?! He's the one who should feel guilty! He fucking ruined me!" Jong-wu chased after Mun-jo, into his room, the room where THAT had just happened. The smell, vague, but still there. The sheets a mess, blanket on the floor. The room was a terrible sight, he didn't want to look much longer. Mun-jo stopped in his tracks , so Jong-wu stopped as well. "Why do I? of all people! Have to be the one you wanted to fucking ruin, you bastard? GIVE ME ONE REASON!" The ladder yelled, his voice wavering unusually. Hearing that, Mun-jo turned around to face him. He stood and stared, still blank, apathetic. Was he really acting all bored now?! he loved when Jong-wu let himself go and openly expressed his hatred and anger for him. "SAY SOMETHING, YOU PSYCHO!" Mun-jo, "Ohoho, keep going, you want to kill me don't you?" He smirked, that psychotic red glazed over his eyes again, he spoke through his teeth. Obviously riled up, a digusted look appears on Jong-wu's face. His brows furrow and knit closer, his eyes bloodshot. The veins popping so far out of his forehead Mun-jo thought they'd bust right out. Not a turn off in Mun-jo's eyes.

A intense pangs of anger hurt his head, his brows so furrowed they started to feel sore. Rubbing inbetween his brows with two of his fingers. As he takes his hand away from his face, he makes eye contact with Mun-jo. The smile on his face was one of a kind, disgustingly evil. As they both stood , Mun-jo's back to the bed, Jong-wu lunged forward at him, gripping his throat, they flew backwards onto the bed. Straining Mun-jo spoke, "Isn't it a bit early for you to be so rash?" Veins popped out of his forehead now, the teasing comment he made pissed Jong-wu off and his grip tightened, but Mun-jo's hands didn't move. Almost as if he didn't want him to stop, knowing he would pass out. "Why aren't you trying to stop me?!" Jong-wu sneered, Mun-jo's hands just slid up the ladders thighs. Roughly pushing him against himself, the sudden feeling loosened Jong-wu's grip, closing his eyes , a soft moan escaped his lips. "Not this again! My back still hurts you bitch!" Jong-wu tried to pull himself away, but Mun-jo's grip was too tight.

Mun-jo smile never faltered after Jong-wu was on him. "You can swear that, but it won't happen today." He gripped Jong-wu's thighs so tightly red marks in the shape of fingers appeared on him. "Don't we have anything better to do?" Jong-wu kept struggling, but how close he was and the grip of Mun-jo's hand weakened his legs, his hips didn't want to move and couldn't even if he tried. A tingling sensation formed in his stomach, confusing him. Mun-jo then spoke up, "We can go out? Explore, I'm sure there is stuff to do here.." His words came out so swiftly and smooth. Like he was some professional liar. Which would be considered true because he was. All he ever did was lie. Which striked up a thought in Jong-wu's mind. "Is it true you find pleasure in me? Would I get boring and you'd let me go? Cause if so, great escape plan." The last part was hushed, Mun-jo tried reading his lips , but he was too focused on the shape and color, the moisture, red around the corners still from the intensity earlier, than the words he spoke. "Bored??" Mun-jo laughed aloud, so hard Jong-wu thought he'd split his side open this time. He had thrown his head back when he laughed which created an opening for Jong-wu, biting down hard , the taste of copper filled his mouth. Why wasn't it a repulsive taste? "Ooh, now whatever I do next is your fault, babe." Mun-jo's voice dropped, his words slithered out and into Jong-wu's ears. The ladders teeth let up and he saw the blood. The scar half way covered with blood made him unusually pleased. Mun-jo noticed it, it was an obvious turn on. The ladders hips were dragged against Mun-jo's once more, an eruption of tingles crawled up Jong-wu's back. Only it pissed him off so much, he wanted to make Mun-jo just as angry as him.


Hell Is Other People.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن